By Your Magic Spell All the Nations Were Led Astray
The full surrender of our sovereignty to the WHO in exchange for sorcery & enchantment

[Author’s Note: Hope you are well out there. This article has been rewritten after the first third, and is now what it should have been all along. (Maybe this is why God put me on this journey?) Enjoy.]
Sovereignty: Out of Many, One
The WHO's logo is a serpent wrapped around a staff in front of the world divided into 33 sectors. This is a direct representation of the serpent wrapped around the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden imposing himself onto Eve - only in the WHO's case - this time the snake is imposing his dominance over the entire earth. Rather than an apple as it was in Genesis, the serpent's new offering is drugs and vaccines.
Therefore by their fruits you will know them.
Matthew 7:20
The word ‘pharmaceutical’ is derived from the root word ‘pharmakeia’. Here is the base translation of the offering made by the World Health Organization:

The WHO is working diligently to centralize its control over the world in the name of pandemic response, preparedness and prevention by promising medicine, drugs, and spells. Those nations that fall prey to this deception will relinquish their sovereignty to them, in the event of a “declared” public health emergency:

This has been foretold. We are both witnessing and living biblical prophecy unfolding right before us and all around us. All nations are being led astray by important merchants bearing magic spells (pharmakeia):
The combined meaning of the serpent on the WHO logo, the definition of pharma, and Revelation 18:23 is corroborated by the demon in this video, who says that the devil works through medicine, and that they used the pandemic as an excuse to inject millions of people in order to kill them so that Jesus could not have them. Watch her reaction when the interviewer mentions His name (the beeps hail from a time when you couldn’t use the word “vaccine” on YouTube without getting a strike and the video removed):
[Author’s note: I am leaning toward believing the above interviews are real—it all fits together: the powers that shouldn't be social engineered a free-rein to inject millions of people with _whatever_ they wanted, and they are as wicked as they come. I do not believe they squandered that opportunity, and likely went all in for maximum horrific outcome. If there's a way to inject demons, they likely found it and did so.
I'll put it this way, if these interviews were faked, that girl is one heck of an actor, and it still doesn't change my previous paragraph. The good news is that Jesus always provides a way out of these situations so long as you listen to Him. Here is how to cast them out:
Matthew 17:21: However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting. ←Removed from modern bibles.
Mark 9:29: And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.]
By Way of Deception, We Shall Wage War
You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
—John 8:44
So how does one achieve this global coup? By faking pandemics to create the atmosphere of panic and fear required to work their enchantments. Afraid people tend to grant anything to a purported “savior”. The more afraid, the more is granted:
Channel 4 News Exposes 2009 SwineFlu Scandle - World Health Organization Robbed Billions From Taxpayers By Declaring Fake Pandemic

Next, kick that fear dial up to 11, and continue until these beatings until morale improves—put the public in such a frenzy that they will gladly accept mandatory injections. Anything to make it stop:

Now start changing definitions to confound the populace on what is occurring. Keep that ground shifting under their feet, keep those goalposts moving, and keep watering down the requirements of what qualifies as a “pandemic” — your all access pass to world domination:
Executive summary: Herd immunity has been recast as only being achievable via vaccinations that no longer grant immunity (give that a moment’s consideration), at a time when declaring a pandemic is as easy as pointing to a cluster of sick folk somewhere in the vast world. Once evoked billions in taxpayer currency will automatically be transferred by horse traded politicians to corrupt corporations that will then repeatedly mass inject the entire world’s willing (so far) population with poison. Doubt this? Read on:

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla explains why he hasn’t taken the vaccine:
Next, put puppet clueless bureaucrats & billionaires in charge of medical policy. Then attack, mock, and ruin the reputations and careers of anyone who disagrees with it:

Moving onward, feed insider trading information to anyone who may stand in your way so that they will yield by the crumbs that fall from your table:

Finally, flip the script from inalienable rights to get-vaccinated-like-a-good-little-sheep earned rights, gaslight the public into believing they’re immoral for seeing right through your blatant defrauding of the whole world, shame them for doing their own research, send online army spies after anyone who does, and unleash the celebrity influencer boot-licker brigade (whoever controls the media controls the mind):
And oh yea, cue those dancing doctors & nurses in empty hospitals to mock the world for falling for your nonsense—don’t worry, these, tripping the light fantastic, nurses with a suspicious lack of patients will not tip them off:

And viola, you’re just that much closer to your biblically foretold stranglehold:

Pfizer CEO calls the COVID vaccines, “weapons”, guess that explains his reluctance to take one:
The Consolidation, Intoxication, & Ruination of Power
As advertised in the symbolism of the WHO’s logo, the end-game of this deception is the consolidation of power and dominion over the entire world—with all of this unprecedented control in the hands of only a few. Does any of this sound familiar:
This consolidation is an age-old primary objective of the globalists, and it has been in works for a very long time:

The yowling symbolism at the heart of this story should be concerning but not surprising. The adversary really does hold the world in the palm of his hand. He tried to tempt Jesus with it, and Jesus did not doubt that the world was the adversary’s to give:
The devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.“All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”
Matthew 4:8 - 4:9
By his magic spell all nations were led astray.
Conclusion & Solutions
They’re coming at us folks, fast and furious. Their morality is inverted: what we consider good they consider bad, and vice versa. Their mindset is alien, but one thing they do know is fear: fear of us waking up too early - before they’ve closed their grip - and putting a stop to their nonsense. And terror of losing us to Jesus Christ (more on that in a moment).
Solutions: As mentioned previously: pray, prepare, dig a well, grow a garden, get the word out, get to know your neighbors, build webs of alliances, put the ‘common unity’ back in community, and get control of your school boards and town councils. And at this stage, I also think we need to add a big helping of this as well:
Avenues to keep work like this coming (it is gratefully appreciated and desperately needed)
Decompression Chamber
^ Source ^ Would that artist like some Vivaldi with that? v Source v
I knew when I saw that clip of Bourla calling the C19 injections 'weapons' that if I showed the clip to an NPC true believer, they would smarmily tell me "He obviously means that the vaccines were weapons against Covid".
Anyway, good collation of infographics, word etymologies, and the culpable on record being evil. Saved to PDF in both the 'C19 injection' folder and the 'culpable' folder :-)
Those dancing nurse videos always make me lose it. Somehow they capture EVERYTHING--the lies, the propaganda swallowed whole, the bread-and-circus, the insanity, the fiddling-while-Rome-burns, the constant drumbeat of brainwashing.
Overall a very important post, thank-you for helping us with so many facts in one place.