Children Having Heart Attacks - The New Demented Normal
It's 'super safe' the doctor said, even if you end up dead
The COVID Clot-Shots: Safe For Pensons & Euthanasia Only
It takes exponentially more energy to cover for a lie than it does to tell the truth. The bigger the lie, the more astronomical the amount energy is required to sustain it. Eagle eyed readers will notice that this immutable law of nature is on full display throughout this article as the powers that shouldn't be attempt to cover for and explain away the catastrophic COVID-19 injection damage.
All the doctors going along with this overt genocide will inevitably pay a price for it. To summarize a recent video:
What the Hippocratic Oath has devolved into: First do no harm to my mortgage, career, license & registration, salary, holidays, private schooling for my kids, my reputation, and my yacht.
300,000 UK doctors all believed the nonsense government COVID narrative, and now think that kids having strokes is perfectly normal? Not a chance. But 300,000 of them went - and are going - along with it. God is watching the massive harm being caused by their shut wide eyes and fat pocketbooks.
The Dance of Death Deception
Try Vaccination — It never will hurt you, For Vaccination has this one great virtue: Should it injure or kill you whenever you receive it, We all stand prepared to refuse to believe it.
—From a circular signed "The Doctors", 1876
[Author’s Note 1/17/25: From famed Attorney : “Note that none of those things blame anyone or anything that can be found legally liable.”
This adds a whole new wrinkle: not just are they building an alternate reality narrative for the world regarding the COVID bio-weapons with these fabricated studies, they’re also building a deep and wide counterfeit evidentiary basis against holding anyone accountable for their genocidal deployment - in a court of law.]
The powers that shouldn't be are going all in to program us to believe that healthy children and young adults having sudden-death heart attacks is and always has been normal in order to cover up their genocide with the COVID injections. Here are some of the reprehensible studies and headlines they are fabricating to achieve that perception:
And now the NIH is Blaming Anti-Vaxxors for Vaccine Damage and Death:
Dramatic Increase in Athlete On Field Deaths
In March of 2021 - just as the COVID vaccine roll-out was spreading like poison-fire - a study was submitted to the BMJ which claimed that exercise could increase the risk of heart attacks:
As anyone who has been paying attention for the past two years could tell you, the COVID vaccines cause massive heart attacks on a large scale. One reason that might be is because according to Dr. Andreas Noack - Europe’s now deceased Leading Carbon Expert - they contain nanoscale razors which shred your heart from the inside:
Dr. Noack - who died suddenly from a heart attack within 72 hours after giving the above lecture - claimed that regular people who exercise (see above study and video), and especially athletes are far more prone to falling victim to these razors than sedentary folks because their blood flow increases dramatically while exerting themselves which causes the razors to slice and dice their internal organs with far greater efficiency. [Hmm, so they’re eliminating the strongest and healthiest among us first, eh? I wonder why that could be. —tri]
And so, to cover for this novel old idea that deaths during play are not new and are normal, right on cue, the British Heart Foundation releases an incredibly dark and disturbing advertisement making it seem as if children dropping dead while playing sports is just your average everyday occurrence. But never fear—they somehow knew this was coming, even though its rarely ever happened before, and are already riding to the rescue. Lucky us. I wonder how much they’ll charge for such benevolence?
The Waltz of Treachery - Welcome Monsieur Sit Yourself Down, And Meet the Best Lifekeeper in Town
And so now, with studies like the one mentioned above, along with out-of-left-field warnings like this:
And this:
And wouldn't you know it young adults are now prone to sudden-death sex:
They are trying to pre-program us to accept the ludicrous notion that kids and healthy active adults having sudden-death heart attacks is and always has been 100% normal, and no way no how has anything to do with the billions of Covid doses they jammed into the arms of millions of people. It’s this that, that, those, these, and this. But anything but this:
Indeed, from now on, apparently, both the heating climate and colder weather will be causing a noteworthy increase in heart attacks in children and babies:
Look around, these studies are desperately trying to convince you: The world is just so much more dangerous now than it was before 2020. Yes it is, but not for the nonsense reasons they are suggesting. Be sure not to nap, sleep, snore, get sunlight, exercise, breath, or pass your school exams kids:
In Summary
The NIH, CDC, and FDA have made it so strokes, heart attacks, neurological diseases, and death are normalized standard expectations since the injection was rolled out.
All in the name of preventing coughs, sneezes, fever, and sniffles.
In case someone hasn't caught on yet: mankind is the disease they are trying to eradicate.
There are many more examples of this heart attack normalization pre-programming here. We cannot let them get away with covering-up their genocide like this. Please share this article to get the word out—Outside of divine intervention, only stampedes of aware righteous outrage directly to your local “lawmakers” can stop this monstrous evil in its tracks, and I’m pretty sure Jesus is hoping we’ll solve this nihilistic sickness on our own. He did imbue us with such power, after-all, and likely for a good reason. Lets go to work.
Up Next
The myriad of egregious problems associated with the COVID injections were as clear as day, easily accessible, self-evident, went against any and all rational thought, could not stand up to ANY scrutiny, and yet all of that still didn't matter. Here we explore those myriad of egregious problems:
I feel so fortunate to have survived childhood without heart failure, or one of my vital organs blowing up, or died suddenly of "triathlete syndrome" - - after all, I DID tempt fate, with a paper route that included a 6 mile bicycle sprint every morning, so I could get home in time to take the bus to school.
But there always seems to be something to cause angst.. I understand CDC is determined to make it a criminal offense for 'old folks' to spread such dangerous propaganda before Biden leaves office. I was 79 last month - - I'm not sure I could handle 15 years in solitary - - -
I have a friend who is vaxxed. Very liberal, very normie. I talked to her a while back about kids and heart attacks. She claims-- like I'm sure many claim-- that kids always had heart attacks, and that it was simply not covered the way it is now. It's completely normal, and has always happened.
And yeah, she's vaxxed. But she's fine. She's FINE.
Like everyone else with a ticking time bomb in them.