May 27Liked by TriTorch

Great article, thank you for sharing! I would submit that democide and menticide have been going on a long time, possibly for millenium. Vietnam War and other needless wars come to mind. How many lives were lost due to democide because young men were drafted into going to Vietnam but came home in a coffin? How many went because they were brainwashed (menticided)? You can go back even further to the great Spanish flu epidemic of 1918? It was an epidemic very similar to what we just went through in 2020; it was contrived and many were killed by the jab in 1918, as well as in 2020 up until the present time. These are just 2 examples, I'm sure there are more even further back in time.

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May 27Liked by TriTorch, Franklin O'Kanu

Menticide is democide in a different dimension. As Morpheus says in The Matrix, "The body cannot live without the mind."

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I love this quote Ned! I started making that correlation when I first started discussing Menticide last year. It was only this year I learned of Democide. But again, amazing quote. Here’s the podcast if interested

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Not the same, but work hand in hand...working in tandem or one leads. Like the Matrix quote, cheers.

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Democide is an easy one to remember. Just think of how Jeffrey Epstein was murdered. It was a "demo" of what a totalitarian government can (and will) do.

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good stuff

MAA and meredith miller go deep into a lot of this and more - they've been doing this off and on since last year and it's as brilliant as you would expect from those two https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dissident-dialogues-meredith-miller-5-7

also iirc it was MAA who introduced me to joost meerloo's 1956 book rape of the mind - maybe the most important work on menticide https://archive.org/details/joost-meerloo-rape-of-the-mind

and tessa has a good succinct 25 minute video on the spiritual and historical aspects


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Good links nymusicdaily

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May 28Liked by TriTorch

Thank you for the link, I have purchased the book.

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Great essay , very insightful on many levels …. . Toxic relationships can lead into this, thus destroying one’s self esteem, disabling individuals. Never ever fall for this …. ever .

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May 28·edited May 28Liked by TriTorch

While working in a jail or prison (nurse) I noticed that about ten percent of the officers are just rabid little thugs with badges. I suspect that number has been constant in police forces for centuries, with fluctuations due to changing politics (French revolution, Nazis, Commies) dramatically increasing when more and more rabid vermin take control of the power.

The danger I see here, is that so many "good" cops are leaving the various police forces, and their numbers are being replaced by rabid little thugs with badges, who will love to beat and kill the peasants, if massa orders it. And the massas are being replaced with good little rats.

Stay away from democrat coontrolled cities and states.

If you have to use any force, especially deadly, to protect yourself, or a bystander, the rabid little democrat will arrest you.

MY ignorant friends do not understand why I am completely unwilling to go into Asheville (NC) for any event. It is kind of easy to predict the rabid democrats will feel very confident that can attack whoever they want. I do have to go into the outskirts to work every once in a while.

Just working the odds.

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Democide describes the murder of Jesus Christ.

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May 28·edited May 28Liked by TriTorch

Thanks for posting, TriTorch, and Franklin for writing. I especially enjoyed the level-headed clarity of writing without bluster or profusion of adjectives or pressing dogma. It's a breath of fresh air into history and the context of our times. I look forward to reading more of your work.

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