This started years ago when GOD, prayer and the 10 Commandments were ALLOWED to be removed from schools. Then it continued with murder of babies and same sex marriage. Then we went on to transgenders, pronouns, and alphabet club. Now we have drag queens and deviant sex education. Where was the outcry at the first swipe. If they would have been talking about removing sports from schools 99% of parents would have been at the board meetings complaining. We are responsible for this. We have allowed it. It is our fault our country is where it is. We ALLOWED it. It is time to humble ourselves, repent and seek GOD'S face and laws, put HIM in first position and stop worshipping other idols. We have a second chance thru His mercy. IF we each of us change HE WILL heal our land.

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I TOTALLY AGREE with your statement, Carolyn!!

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This is a world wide thing and yes we have allowed this to happen and we must DEMAND all this shit to stop. When we unite we have a loud voice and that is exactly why they are trying to divide us. Don't let them, be strong, unite and educate your children that all this stuff is not normal and wrong - tell them to say no to this stuff - come together as one and demand your government to stop this debauchery.

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Anne...parents have abdicated their responsibility to REARING their children to the "state" via allowing their kids to have 'SMART'phones in their little hands almost CONSTANTLY (even when they go to bed at night). If we GET RID OF THE SMALL SCREENS and start PARENTING...then our world will have a chance to return to RIGHT thinking and living! That is my constant prayer!!

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100% agree

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And, you know, the more I ponder this despicable decline into sexual depravity--these 'powerful globalist potentates' believe they are 'gods' unto themselves--so they believe they do not 'answer' to a HOLY Creator God. Therefore, they propagandize "self sexual stimulation" (masturbation) and "same sex copulation" because both of those "sexual pleasure methods" do NOT result in a BABY being created. That is also why they WORSHIP KILLING LIFE IN THE WOMB. It is direct REBELLION against the PERFECT PLAN of our CREATOR Jehovah Jireh (God Provides).

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Well the way I see it they are and have been making us sin as much as possible by grooming us to see certain things as normal. They removed religion from school so that we don't know that much about the bible at all at this point. We are not to tattoo our bodies - well look where we are at that. We are not to eat pork - I didn't know that. Gluttony - say no more. Homosexuality. etc etc

And don't get me started on the death penalty - we have no right to kill another human no matter what they have done

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People need to start:

- family homeschooling of kindergarten & grade 1;

- then multi-family homeschooling grades 2 & 3

- informal 'neighborhood school' for grades 4 - 6 (frontier 1-room schoolhouse)

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A good starting point but we need to do a hell of a lot more than that.

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More like research the laws in your locality/state and cite what laws specifically are being violated, then call the police using 911 which is recorded and make a complaint. Alternatively put you complaint in writing and send it registered mail to the chief of police. Be sure to carbon copy state representatives and a law firm or lawyer. Or just identify he problem people (communist sellouts) pushing their evil pedophile agenda and handle the problem yourself, Alaska style (vigilante justice).

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It is often very subtle subversive slippery slope stuff

In my town (I am old enough to be a bit disconnected to what's going on. particularly in grade schools as my kids and nieces/nephews are past that stuff) I walk a lot (try to vary the route) and have a pre-conceived notion of "community values" based on living here most of my life. I noted, at first without noticing, that when I breeze past one of the local schools the crosswalks are rainbow crosswalks. Well, I'm walking and it's really not on my mind. Besides it's a kid's school and kiddie schools have all sorts of colorful art and pinups that most adults recognize as normal for grade school and most like myself never give a second thought.

Then over time as I'm walking by I start thinking. Hmmmmm wonder why they have RAINBOW crosswalks? What's that about? Wonder what's going on and being posted in the classrooms? But you press on and hope you're over thinking stuff. Then over time from reading and social media and seeing teacher posts you start to see what is going on. Those rainbow sidewalks outside the K-8 neighborhood schools suddenly seem like they may not be as innocent innocuous and harmless as you once thought. PERHAPS THEY ARE PART OF AN AGENDA.

Yeah I know. Paranoid and prudish to think such things.

It is real slippery slope stuff. Slow subtle indoctrination. Normalize the edges till one day the extreme seems normal. Starting with "what could be more harmless" than Rainbow crosswalks? Truth is, most, including myself (for a time) and even the kids never give it a second thought. Then slowly over time one day you wake to read "drag queen story time in the local school". Then soon enough you see on 60 minutes or something that the hospital just down the road, the same one that everyone knew all their lives, that hospital has become a major hub for trans therapy/recruitment presumably up to and including surgery. And you start to wonder. "Perhaps we should have paid attention to those rainbow crosswalks that suddenly became a fad in what was once a no nonsense down to earth community. Sometimes there really IS a long term coherent agenda that comes with the normalization of the "nothing wrong with that" till one day you find the whole spectrum has been normalized, even encouraged.

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Ray, I've been tracking the slip for - at least 10 years? When I noticed that women were no longer allowed to have women-only spaces. I knew 2 trans people in the 90's, 2 in the 00's. And they were traumatized and traumatic people. Sho nuff, they everywhere now.

Keep an eye out for furries. After furries - well. Furries were originally fetish play. Now they are autistic children. What's next, bondage? The yhit I saw at the White House & "pride" parades truly raised my bile.

And - when is it going to be "not okay" to talk about this? Like now? "Hi, I'm Jase, I'm non-binary, pronouns they/them, and I suffer from PTSD." How does one engage with that?

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satan’s creed:

Normalize every aberrant behavior, bring common all deviancy and let fly the reins of morality and reason, then welcome in that utopia that liberals embrace called communism, that which most Americans with but a shard of ethic would immediately recognize as evil.

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Amen and Amen. It is time to stand up and clean house of this heinous evil. I know pedophilia is not cured. These sick people in a sense murder children by taking away the normal life of a human being. I believe in locking these people away forever or Capital punishment, if proven without a doubt. Anyone who intentionally hurts a child must be permanently removed from society. I cry to think of such monsters. They are true Demons. I have no sympathy no matter the cause of their evil deeds. Descent people MUST STOP THIS CRIME NOW !!!!!

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Do you see that the Federal government is funding all these activities, we should be protesting any state or federal funding to indoctrinate our children, totally disgusting!!

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God, prayer and the 10 Commandments were NOT ALLOWED to be removed from schools.

God, prayer and other Biblical agendas are still taught in many schools, and God, prayer and other religious agendas are as available post curricular, as are all the LGBT agendas.

The point is...Schools are not the place to indoctrinate the impressionable, on cults of any stripe.

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God and the 10 commandments is not a cult. America was built on this foundation. Without those Biblical principals we would have ended up under a tyrannical government without freedom. God gave us a free cherished America and many have given their lives trying to preserve it. God has blessed us. There is no country in the world that allows freedom of speech, and religion. Only because we live in a Judo-Christian country under God. This past administration has tried to destroy this freedom under God’s laws. God has heard America’s repentance and prayers. We have a second chance. To God give the Glory for the things He has done…..

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Man created God in mans' own, vain image.

America is a military, monetary, medical terrorist state.

God is the excuse the state gives to the feeble minded and the delusional, to help them ignore that reality.

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I agree, to a point, but then again isn’t even Enlightenment materialism and rationalism a cult of sorts? It got away with it for a long time, but it has now been exposed for the horrific fiction it always was. So you have to teach children something. There’s no way around that, seems to me. I think if you whittle away everything you deem cult-like, there’ll be nothing left. So isn’t it a choice of what kind of cult we want to inhabit? What values we want to transmit? Embracing valuelessness is ultimately an expression of values as well.

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That verbal orbit disappeared up its own eduction.

People can abuse and misuse enlightenment and rationalism.

The things themselves are not cults.

And qualifying the nonreligious as valueless, is nihilism on religions part and not a quality or crime of reason and rationalism .. unless someone is making an ambit prosecution without real evidence.

The truth is the way ..and the truth is that religion (return to bondage) has appropriated truth and turned it into fantasy for people who refuse to grow up.

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Isn’t it wonderful how blessed you are to be able to express your thoughts freely. Try that in another country. God bless America!

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And even more wonderful for some ..Is that logical fallacy passes for reasoned debate.

Try that in the company of reasoned Americans, and your "blessings" are revealed as ignorance.

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This is mind blowing. In one video above, the woman at the meeting asked the male teacher do you think it is appropriate for a pornography book to be in school for eight-year-olds to view and he said 'yes.' I nearly fell off my metaphorical chair. The WHO recommendations are child exploitative. The only thing children need to know about genitals and sex, is that it is a private matter like going to the bathroom, and no one should touch them or discuss such matters with them. Pornography is destroying societies across the world, so let's just scapegoat the collective guilt onto the innocent, that is what is happening, that is exactly how evil operates.

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Europe & North America are doing this. It's a perversion of 'human rights'; basic rights & freedoms there are being rolled back by the globalist left.

They aren't doing this across Asia (this abuse in the West overshadows now the abrogation of individual freedom rights in parts of Asia.

They aren't doing this in eastern Europe & not in the Russian Federation. Human rights are largely honored in eastern Europe & the RF.

The international trends are clear. Europe & North America are in decline both from the top-down & in its institutions from the bottom-up.

Asia, Eastern Europe, & Russia (90% of BRICS) are rising, morally & economically, restoring faith-based social order as a rules-based system evolves.

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Dec 7
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Excellent contribution Gray, thank you for that.

Europe outright advertises their descent into satanism, and still so few get it:


Much more info here: https://tritorch.com/occult

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AMEN, Rita!!

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That Male Teacher is an Gutless Spinless order Following excuse for a Man.

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The 'educator' that said yes should, in my opinion, be strung up and beat to death.

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I would like to see him psychoanalyzed to understand what caused the perversion in his thinking.

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That's a more down to earth approach Rita. I realize I am an extremist but this is some sick twisted shit.

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It is twisted, but people with twisted thinking usually had strange things happen to them before they could think for themselves.

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Father in Heaven, in the name of Jesus I ask that you pour out your Holy Spirit upon my brother in Christ and YOUR child, Tritorch. You have promised many times that you will protect your children, and we thank you for your mercy and grace. Please equip him with your full spiritual armor each and every day and turn every curse against him into a blessing in his life. I pray that you bind, blind, and banish his enemies.

And Father, I accept these curses upon myself…to share this burden with Tritorch. Please allow me to share his burden in whatever way that you choose, and I ask this in the name of my savior Jesus of Nazareth, who is the Christ. So be it.

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That is so so kind Ted, thank you much

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Yeah really? how is that going to stop these cunts - we need to take action and fast

I did not know this stuff was happening so what else are they doing that is just as bad and we know nothing about it??

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Anne, you are t early coming out. Private message me will ya?

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“And Father, I accept these curses upon myself…to share this burden with Tritorch.” I accept them as well. I’ve felt cursed my whole life. I know why. Because my God is not the god of this world. I live in opposition to what I see, and there is no end to my protest.

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Amen, Brother Ted. Beautiful prayer. I, too, am a servant of Christ. It’s in my handle:

sundoulos (soon’ - doo - los): a fellow servant, fellow worker for Jesus. (By the way, nice scooter.)

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Thank You Tritorch, for putting this together it makes your stomach hurl right? It is astounding that adults are supporting this psychobabble justification for rape and pedophilia, offering up our children for prey, it's disgusting, anyone supporting is more than likely involved in some fashion either directly or "looking the other way". There are so many stories now, and reports of how the courts and CPS are complicit. I remember watching a movie several years ago about sex trafficking in Burma, where the UN Police were sent in to "help", turns out these "soldiers" were involved and participating. Thailand is also rampant with child brothels, such a degradation that this exists in our society in today's modern world. In 2015 I read an Article in Vanity Fair from a younger gay man that was telling his story of going to work for The United Nations as a referral from another gay man that worked there as a "secretary", this man went to work there and soon realized besides his job typing up reports he was required to go have sex with diplomats and film them for blackmail, he left and then wrote the whistle blower report in Vanity Fair, surprising it was printed but that was before the full fledged censorship that we are dealing with today.

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“ Thank You Tritorch, for putting this together it makes your stomach hurl right?”

Very much so Christina. If you thought reading was nauseating just imagine what researching and writing it was like.

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Just looked up the Pritzker family, the 72 year old Transgender, Jennifer Pritzker formerly James Nicolas Pritzker, I guess he is the one investing large sums of money into the trans movement. He inherited from the Hyatt Hotel fortune. This guy has been forwarding this movement he served in the military. So crazy.

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I can't imagine. I have seen a lot though over the last nine years. What I don't get is how the data when presented to "authorities" nothing every happens. Well I shouldn't say never The Sheriff in Florida has been pretty vocal on his team arresting traffickers, and because of work like yours many more people are aware of what is happening and are pushing back. There is a lady that did a lot of research and named the organizations promoting this pedophile sympathy and child exploitation, and who was funding it - she had a long interview that went viral and then "it disappeared". I know of a man that was up in The Pacific Northwest that did an incredible amount of research and was working on a documentary that died of a heart attack before he could release it., not the first story I have heard of whistle blowers trying to expose what they witnessed. It may take a coalition of the many people researching this to come together for national recognition to force the authorities to make massive change. For one I think porn should be taken off the internet as it is causing these people to be stuck in on sex and obsessed. CPS should be policed and held accountable, Family Courts rules should be changed too., so many areas of review to mitigate illegal child trafficking. I think the organization that was promoting and may still be pedophilia is called Actura? Funded by Pritzker? OMG just looked on line the US lists 23 organizations for Transgender Advocacy. 7 in the UK. 11 in India. I realize this is more about transgender and or Gay organizations, but how far removed is the Pedophilia movement? Mercy for our children.

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Fiona Barnett, book 'Eyes Wide Open' is the most comprehensive book on Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA).

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The 'authorities' are in on it, getting a piece of the action, so to speak. The Freemasons, politicians, police, firefighters, et. al.

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Thanks, Tony, I imagine some get pulled into this disgusting abuse of other human beings, but I hesitate to say "they are all in on it", because I don't think it is everyone in the police, and firefighters associations., although with the many exposes of late starting with Pizzagate, Nexium, Weinstein, Epstein, Diddy and now the Alexander brothers out of New York, and the names connected to Epstein. It boggles the mind that these people clearly cannot have a sane relationship with the opposite sex, an above-board clean, and honest relationship. That guy Ed Buck, a big Democrat donations guy, this list is long, but still, it is hard to imagine just how messed up these people are to find pleasure in drugging and abusing vulnerable people, children, women, and young men. It is pure evil. Hopefully, they get arrested and their rings are broken up, and ethics becomes a code of honor once again.

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It is incomprehensible to me that we are not, as a community of adults, seeing through the Ploy that is being played out here: First, inject everyone with 'stuff' that will render them unlikely to be fertile - and as a back-stop 'normalise' frequent and careless abortions; then convert all sexual behaviour into a floridly exuberant 'harmless game' (reminiscent of ancient primitive heathen jungle bound societies - ie feathers and colours and decorations that appeal to children) together with the caveat that absolutely everyone MUST take part in it- from as young an age as possible. Lastly, ridicule and marginalise the social glue of actual commitment, enduring love and pro-creation. Voila, everyone's having such a great time twerking and sucking and raping young kids and twisting their minds into deviant distorted realities -that they don't even notice they are fast becoming the last generation of humans on earth. Is this what we older Mothers and Fathers (not to mention the generations that fought in 2 world wars) sacrificed our young lives for? To see our young people yanked away from mental and physical and social health in this way is terrifying to say the least - we are only just beginning to see the chasms appear in the world on every level - unreliability, unsociability, unskilling, lack of human responsiveness, shrieking self-mutilating clowns demanding their 'rights' at everyone else's expense, wholesale abandonment of values and true love or family cohesiveness. This REALLY needs to be turned around FAST if we are to still have a human world in 50 years' time.

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Satanic inversion

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In the Talmud it is recommended that men have se>< with toddlers. - Just saying.

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That's no joke!

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While I'm not one of those people who cries out "sources please" at every turn - I would like to see citation on this one.

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As horrific as this is, it is not surprising that it is coming to light now as the demonic forces that have insinuated themselves throughout every institution have grown bolder as their power has increased. Satanism feeds on the suffering and perversion of children. This is not new, but what is new is how these demonic powers now feel comfortable flaunting it.

Mercifully, I believe that they overplayed their hand. While the election results are not a panacea, they at least indicate, to me, that the American public is sick and tired of these horrific things being promoted and promulgated under the thin guise of "wokeness." People are not falling for it. Those that still don't see it are either evil themselves, or utterly brainwashed, or both.

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Pedophilia is a mental disease that cannot be cured. Its adult victims should be removed from society. Whoever invented the term "Minor Attracted Person" should be put in stocks and flogged publicly - right next to anyone unable to understand that the term "illegal alien" is not identical to "alien".

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‘early childhood masturbation’

Words that should never have appeared together.

Kinsey was a luciferian. I haven't even read the entire post by TriTorch, and I know who had a hand in this depravity.

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Make Pedophilia punishable by death.

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What do we do about the 30,000 women/year in the US who are impregnated against their will by rapists? Why are we not giving vasectomies to young men when they reach puberty if we really want to stop abortions? I want to eliminate the need for abortion as much as anyone but women are under siege right now. They don't WANT to bring a baby into this horrific world. They cannot afford to care for a baby that they don't have resources - financial or otherwise - to support. They don't want their lives to become a living hell by having to share custody with their rapist. Women will always seek abortions even if it's banned and die needlessly, violently and mercilessly at the hands of the abortion doctors. Until we address these life and death questions, abortion will always be with us.

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There's a reason that traditional society was run traditionally.

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If you mean indigenous cultures that weren't structured as patriarchies, then yes, I'm all for that. But if you mean men being treated as superior to women, well, we know how well that worked out for women. It didn't. So, I trust you're not referring to the idealized, romanticized version that 'traditionalists' like to promote. That never existed for the vast majority of women and never will.

The thing is, people don't realize that feminism/women's liberation would simply not exist period if patriarchal cultures and religions were actually working for women and their children - politically, socially economically. Hint: The conditions women lived under in all patriarchal cultures were a hellscape. Being treated as property, left destitute with babies by drunken husbands, beatings were not only regular, but legal and condoned, no right to vote, no right to own property and no voice or respect from the men in their lives - whether father, brother or son. One only needs to look at how the conditions of women are in third world countries to see how life truly is for women under the rule of men.

We still have a LONG way to go even in so-called 'modern' cultures. Until rape becomes unthinkable in society, we are nowhere near sexual equality. If men had their way, they would NOT be the providers and protectors they think they'd be. They've had their chance countless times. They would do like all men in all patriarchal cultures do - wield power over their families and their wives the way they always have. It's been demonstrated in archeology time and time again. Men have become so disconnected from themselves, from their hearts - especially the rulers - that they have no empathy with women or women's concerns.

Patriarchy doesn't actually work for men, either, btw. Patriarchy was designed to benefit a small group of oligarchs and their minions at the expense of the rest of the population. Patriarchy may cause the end of the human species the way it appears. Unbridled aggression and competitiveness. The compulsion to dominate and control other humans and nature. The scarcity mindset. The exploitation of the weak and vulnerable. No, thank you.

I don't believe for a moment that men's nature is patriarchal. I don't believe men particularly want to participate in this dominate and control paradigm. I think men are fundamentally good. I think of my little boy when he was growing up. Social pressure and cultural practices that have been in place for millennia destroy men's humanity.

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I'm going to throw up

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Welcome to the club of 'people of conscience '.

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Me too, J. Uncleanness out, the Holy Spirit in.

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As it was in the days of Noah. This world as we know it, is about to go up in smoke. Our time is just about over. Once done & dusted…. And afterwhich……The best is yet to come. It is at the door. But it’s alway darkest ⚫️just before dawn🌅

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I am finding it hard to believe that this shit is happening and if it is these people need to have their bits cut off just for starters.

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Descend the Pedophilia ladder:

~ pedophilia as a Crime

~ as a Disorder

~ Sexualizing of children at schools etc (teach masturbation)

~ MAP (Minor Attracted Persons) 'lifestyle' as a new human right

~ Sexual consent by children re-defined, normalized, enters mainstream

~ Childhood innocence re-defined as oppression by adults (childhood mental illness escalates, treated with drugs)

~ Targeting of children by predators escalates

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All pedophiles are homosexuals. Not all homosexuals are pedophiles.

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Not yet, anyway. Give it a few years.

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