Apr 12Liked by TriTorch

Really enjoyed this! (New follower of MadChimp) Of particular interest was the discussion of “berth” and language. It struck me because language is one of the main things that clued me right from the beginning that we were being lied to about Covid. When they began changing decades old definitions to suit their agenda, it was clear we were being manipulated. That’s why I refuse to use their words…it is not a “vaccine”, it is gene therapy; it is not “undocumented migrant”, it is illegal alien; it is not “Minor Attracted Person”, it is pedophile; it is not “Gender Affirming Care”, it is child mutilation; and the list goes on and on and on. I’m not playing their game…and if that makes me “mean”, so be it!

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You struck a nerve by opening a discussion of "language" - - word and phrase usage. Recognizing the difference between "vaccine" and "gene therapy" is at the heart of Fauci-Fraud, which goes back to my early correspondence with Tritorch, when he pointed out the CDC "old" and "new" definition of "vaccine", where the old required "permanent or long-term efficacy", and the new removed that requirement. The background of how and why that change was made, and the role "Dr." Fauci played in it, is chilling.

The attack on our language is one of the more insidious forms of attack on our culture. While judging historical military and political figures by ‘new and improved,’ fuzzy ‘woke’ standards, then destroying their statues and replacing them with bronzes of George Floyd is a direct frontal attack, intended to foment outrage (or violence). Attacks on our language is in many ways more destructive.

The rule of law takes great care to remove ambiguity in its’ written form, as the Federalist papers make perfectly clear, not to mention the Bill of Rights. Law is written to be permanent and public, and the basis for trials for those accused of crime against the law, which was also to be conducted publicly, for all to see - - ALL to see - - ALL citizens, all would-be criminals, the world so they can judge the US justice system as fair and honest.

Your example of “Illegal Alien = Undocumented Migrant” is particularly noteworthy. You may recall a time when the House was considering whether to impeach President Trump. Nancy Pelosi used her position as Speaker to OPPOSE such action loudly and forcefully, because it would very likely cause an irreversible split that would be detrimental to the process of debate and compromise. It did not take long for Nancy to be marched off to the woodshed for some ‘attitude adjustment,’ and when she returned, the matter of ‘cooperative compromise’ was never heard from again. Her next cause to champion was banning the term “Illegal Alien” from official house proceedings - -

Covering Pedophilia and Child Mutilation with “MAP & Gender Affirming Care” are INTENDED to make you feel mean & guilty! Scream it from the rooftops! It is barbaric!

While we are at it, here’s a couple more for you - -

“Protected Class” A term forced down the throats of every major corporation in the US - - a mechanism to sow division and hatred among workers based on sexual preferences (nobody’s business but the individuals) male/female (98% bs), race (99% bs) More mockery to the rule of law

“Hate Crime” A device invented by the Federal Government to broaden their jurisdiction into matters Constitutionally assigned to States - - as if a judge and/or jury has ANY definitive way to determine anyone’s state of mind, opinion, or biases when in the act of committing a crime.

“Trans-Gender” Yet ANOTHER class of citizen who “require” their own law system to “protect” them from - - - what? The LAW?

Mean? You are concerned someone may think you are MEAN? I think there are times when a vulgar response is the most appropriate response possible - - and PARTICULARLY when I’m being fed BS, and told it is ice cream.

Rock on, Judy C! Fight the b’tards tooth and nail.

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This incredible comment should immediately be expanded and reformed as an article on your substack, MC.

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Apr 14Liked by TriTorch

Such a great reply! And I must say, these days I find myself using a “vulgar response” quite frequently!

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So pleased you approve, rather than feel you are being "preached to". The propaganda machine was designed by experts to put us all off-balance, hopping around on one foot and distracted while they work their treachery. That is the most disturbing realization of all - - the care taken planning their attacks, from the "Russia, Russia, Russia" hoax, to the Covid hoax, to the George Floyd hoax and the enormously destructive J6 hoax - - well planned, well executed, and worst of all - - connected, coordinated and effective.

We "older" folks, particularly those who have been fortunate enough to have lived the American Dream, are turning our attention to what we leave behind. Our dreams are for our grandchildren, and the grandchildren they spawn that we will never see in this life. We trace our heritage from a group of sea-sick pilgrims being dumped on Plymouth Rock, through battles with the Red Coats, the Great Depression, wars - - to arrive where we are today, facing people with very different plans for our grandchildren's future. We are armed with the strength of our ancestors, and we will beat them

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Apr 14Liked by TriTorch

I wonder how the people who rolled out the term “undocumented migrant” would feel if their house were broken into and the criminal referred to as an “undocumented new occupant of the house”!

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Apr 14·edited Apr 14Author

Good question. Since such a title would not serve to advance the agenda, and we might assume the person who broke-in was not part of the ruling class I believe such a person would be referred to as "criminal" or "Criminal shot while resisting arrest", and his immigration status would not be disclosed until it appeared as a footnote to a follow-up story in the NYT about two weeks later - - -

If, on the other hand, he broke into a house with a Trump sign in the front yard, you might have it 100% right, with a two-page essay on how the previous occupant's grandfather stole it from the poor undocumented worker's grandfather - - and isn't it grand to see (finally) justice served.

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Apr 13Liked by TriTorch

The word that I now adopted bc of the fact that they've called herbal, homeopathic, and other natural remedies as quacks, I now call them quackzines! Maybe we can make that stick!

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Apr 13Liked by TriTorch, MadChimp

Oh, that’s perfect! “Quackzines”, it is!

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Apr 12Liked by TriTorch

Yes 100%!

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Judy, you are not alone! I, too, refuse to use all these “newfound” words. If we (the people) do not stand up against this, it WILL take over!! I have had to leave a long standing, close friend group (there were 4 of us) due to this ridiculousness. One friend is a “psychologist”…yet her kids are fully messed up (no wonder). I have looked the other way for far too long, but most recently (at a lunch gathering), she was talking about her son who had recently joined “Americorps”. Let me just preface this story by saying that this particular son has been gay, bi, non-binary, furry, etc. So, when she started talking about his latest venture, she kept saying, “They’re really excited about going”, etc. My other two friends were commenting on “them” and I sat there in confusion for a minute (wondering if he was going with a friend) until I realized that she was using they/them pronouns for her son. I didn’t say much at that point and soon the conversation switched topics. Then there has been numerous “group chats” with more of the same. I realized that I don’t belong any more as I cannot go along with that nonsense. I have systematically been distancing myself from the group. It hurts me as these are all great women with good hearts and we’ve been friends for over a decade, but I feel like a fraud to go along with something I do not believe in. I see the other ladies as just “going along with it” and I just can’t. Sad…

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Your experience is sadly so common. Over the last 4 years, many of us have had to change our circle of friends for one reason or another. I have close friends who have been ostracized from their families, estranged from their children or rejected by life long friends. I’ve been lucky not to “lose” any family but I have decided to let some friendships go. I’m too old and too alarmed to walk on egg shells just to get along. The bright side is I’ve deepened some relationships with like minded friends and added a few new ones. I realized I actually feel better about those friendships than I did the ones I left behind, because we have shared beliefs. It’s important, especially these days, to build new support systems because so much of what we thought and believed before turned out to be smoke & mirrors. What a world we’re living in!!!

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Apr 12Liked by TriTorch

Loved reading and watching all of this! What a great start to my weekend! Thanks you!

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Apr 12Liked by TriTorch, MadChimp

Trump is a big, beautiful, flawed man, but he is the only one who has a chance of stopping the insidious creep towards the point of no return for the USA. It scares me how few people see how close this is.

Also, totally agree with the hope he finds a bit of humility and learns to surround himself with real allies. I really love that guy despite his flaws. :)

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Apr 12Liked by TriTorch, MadChimp

Lot to unpack here . Thank u Tritorch . 💥Brought a tear … we never can lose the love and kindness of humanity and one another 💟. Btw I have noticed more shipping containers on the roads and ships here in the Great Lakes . 🙏🤔

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Apr 13Liked by TriTorch

Thanks for this great article, TriTorch and MadChimp!

MadChimp I love that your sister grew up, but you didn’t!😂

Growing old is inevitable but growing up is optional - I myself have opted the same way as you ha ha!

Wow about the WalMart containers - evil things are definitely afoot surrounding WalMart. Why do they have a Disaster Response Team; why can you rearrange the name of the store to get really close to “martial law”; why did the ‘Security Chief over internment camps within the USA’ in the U.S. Intelligence agency in WWII become the founder of a retail store; why has WalMart gotten billions of dollars in secret subsidies granted by the US government?

This 20 minute video is so disturbing that I haven’t stepped foot in a WalMart since I watched it. I always felt really gross inside after I left that store and now I completely understand why.


What a great video on the berth/birth and such a clear and concise summation of all the true meanings of our words in that regard with money and the courtroom etc.

This is a really good video called The Marine Kingdom of Satan, where he talks about those very same things with the maritime law etc. and gets deep into it in the spiritual sense.


At 29:38 he talks about how when parents sign a birth certificate, they’re making their children merchandise.

Keep up the great work, TriTorch!! Thanks for posting and I hope to see more from you soon!


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Apr 13Liked by TriTorch

Also here’s a link to a clear picture of the “tunnel boring machine” with the same logo as Walmart in that video link I posted. What’s going on underneath the Walmarts……


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Signs and symbols... The boring machine symbol matching Walmart's star is so in your face it causes a cringe reaction in me.

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Apr 12Liked by TriTorch

I'm not sure the Chinese would be any worse than the current regime.

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Thnx for the love. Love you hun! Blessings ~

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