
God bless you TriTorch for allowing me the honor to write a guest post. I'm about to break the 600 subscribers mark!

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Jun 24Liked by Laura Kasner, TriTorch

Thank you Tritorch for shedding a bright light onto Laura Kasner’s work and writings and bold contribution to the truth !! 🤗⚔️💣💥⭐️🙏🩷🙏

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Love you Bro. 😘❤️

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Jun 24Liked by Laura Kasner, TriTorch

You as well , hope we see each other sooner than later.😉🥰

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Jun 24Liked by Laura Kasner, TriTorch

Thank you for sharing this great guest post, TriTorch!!

Laura, it is so good seeing you on TriTorch’s page and thank you for this background of how you started this fight. Tritorch is right - it’s an inspiration to get off the sidelines and into the battle and makes me want to think and pray about what else I can be doing.

You did a really good job talking to the state Attorney General - how did he respond to your information and question?

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Underwhelmed - pray about it. God will show you the way too.

AG Yost (Ohio) did not dispute nor seem shocked at what I said which was very telling! He said it was not within his authority to investigate. Unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity to ask him who indeed does. I was infuriated. But he was clearly rattled - which delighted me!

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Jun 24Liked by Laura Kasner, TriTorch

Thank you, Laura!!💕

Oh yeah that was definitely telling, and that is good that he was rattled and showed it. Hopefully that was not lost on some of the people there witnessing it!

How convenient that it’s not within his authority to investigate - I’m guessing a lot of people in high places would probably say that very same thing…😤

Keep up the good fight and I’ll send up prayers for you this week!🙏🏻🙏🏻

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🥰 Thank YOU, Underwhelmed.

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Jun 24Liked by Laura Kasner, TriTorch

Sadly, most of these politicians are cowards and will continue to remain silent. Thanks for all that you're doing, Laura. I really appreciate your advocacy and you sharing this valuable information. God bless you, Laura! You're a wonderful woman.

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God bless you Blair. I feel I am just doing what God has asked me to do. I continually ask Him for guidance.

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Jun 24Liked by Laura Kasner, TriTorch

If AG Yost’s stand is that “it’s not within his authority to investigate”, I would have to ask him “Then what are we paying you for?”.

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Diane - I wish I had had the opportunity to ask him that. I was rather shocked that I was able to ask what I did. I thought my heart was going to pound out of my chest as I waited to ask him my question. I was not comfortable getting up in front of a room full of people holding a mic. 😩

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Jun 24Liked by Laura Kasner, TriTorch

Totally understandable. Very few of us would have the fortitude to accomplish what you did… Sadly, we aren’t empowered as youth to hold accountable and question “authority”, and that lack of empowerment -to our detriment- stays with us as adults.

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Just for fun, I asked this question to a chat bot in the guise of a "bad flu shot." This is the response I got:

"In summary, if a problem is identified with a flu shot in a state, the following entities may be involved in investigating the issue:

State Department of Health


CDC's Immunization Safety Office


Vaccine manufacturers

Local health departments

Each agency plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, including flu shots."

For what it's worth, Yost might have been honest insofar that it's a health department issue not an AG issue. IDK.

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Jun 24Liked by Laura Kasner

So Laura, do you consider Yost a good guy, a bad guy or neutral/unknown?

I'm also in Ohio, and word is that he could be running for governor next time around.

And... thank you for all of your hard work!

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shibumi - I think he is a bad guy. I would NEVER vote for him. After I asked that question at the GOP meeting, two other people asked him questions he didn't like. He went storming across the front of the room, yelling to the moderator, "THIS IS BULLSHIT! ARE YOU GOING TO SHUT THIS DOWN?!!!!". He said this twice! Unfortunately this was not captured on video and he was not on the mic when he said it. I was absolutely shocked that an elected official would behave that way in a room full of people.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Laura Kasner, TriTorch

'lost' 2 of my seemingly brilliant friends - we are barely on speaking conditions. I still got 2 friends who go for more jabs, both I thought were well educated. One stopped and read about the Alzheimer risk, an illness that runs in the family. I think those that woke up are now aware of the sword they live under. The others, blissfully ??? ignorant. Thankfully several people I know did not fall for the jab. Talked to my neighbor yesterday and to my dleight found out he too is unjabbed. Sigh. Mom and dad overseas now had 7. A hot wire to avoid when we call! Obviously most politicians didn't get the jab, I remember the French parliametarian who got it, then had 5 heart surgeries, and found out he was the only govt person to take it.

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The brainwashing is still very strong in most of the vaxxed people I know. They blame anything but the vaxx. A vaxxed friend has a neighbors with three deaths within a month, and a co-worker who also died suddenly in the same time period. 4 deaths in a month.

But... if you ask her, it's not the vaxx. It's from getting C0VID, or not getting checkups or yeah, people always died suddenly.

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Jun 24Liked by Laura Kasner, TriTorch

Will the latter day Dr. Frankensteins who built this monster ever be brought to justice? Thank you, Laura Kasner, for continuing the fight to bring Truth out of the darkness - - - & thanks to TriTorch for introducing us to another warrior . . .

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