Thank you for doing this interview! People need to be aware of the predators in the school system. I had no idea things were so pervasive.

I thought you did an excellent job. Keeping you in my prayers.

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Your a Hero TriTorch!!!


Major Kudos!!

Don't doubt this. He is working through you. His armor is yours.

Don't let any doubt creep in. You are on point and doing fantastic!!

You did great presenting on this topic that's being foisted on society. You are awesome!!

Thank You for being an honorable Man bringing this to the surface


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So, I didn't even finish reading this, before listening, because of this:

"...the rampant unbridled attack on our children from every conceivable angle (state-of-the-art full spectrum dominance is at play here), from ruining their minds with pedophilia to >>> feminizing them <<< with the herbicide Atrazine (erasing masculinity erases resistance to the New World Disorder..."

You totally had me before this bit. And maybe you still have me, depending on your response to this comment... I'm new to your page, so we're not acquainted yet. I am not a raging man-hater-- in fact, I'm pretty moderate, I cheer on anybody who seems like a good person, gender notwithstanding, but I think many men simply don't realize how alienating it is to read something like this-- You talk about "children," but it sounds like you're talking about BOYS. That's FINE, but maybe say that, and not "children," because girls are children, too. It's a bummer when you think you're included in a group of "people" or "children" and then you realize the females are not part of it at all.

And!!! As a full-bore woman, born and raised, my resistance to the "New World Disorder" is as strong as anybody's I've seen, on and off Substack. I'm rowdy as hell, and have been allll my life, and I'm quite ready to kick Globalist ass, anytime!!

So, just had to say this, and I'll finish reading your post now, and probably watch the video, too. ^_^

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And now that I'm watching the video, which seems also male-oriented, I think this is inadvertent. Please, don't leave the little girls and women (moms) out of this... THAT SAID,


I commend you, strongly, for being a reporter of this horrible trend... The Evil Ones are already big on pedophilia, as you surely know...

I am HORRIFIED by all this, and I'm not just hearing this from you, now, I've been hearing this-- for a while. A long while. And I agree with you, it's up to US, the People, to stop this, and the rest of the insanity that's being brought down on our heads.

So... I think what I said earlier is not something you're deliberately doing, with some sort of ugliness. You seem like a good fellow. I already thought that! So I'm down for ACTION. We need some Game Plan things to talk about...

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Thanks TWH! I assure you this has nothing to do with being male-oriented. There is no shred of chauvinism in me, just a recognition that men and women both play often opposite but crucial roles in both the development of children and the defense of them.

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I believe you. I didn't have the feeling you were being deliberate!

Once I saw the video, I feel very warmly toward you, because Defenders of Children are up there with fire fighters and the good cops... The people who run TOWARD the danger...

Cheers, you're on the Good Guys List, and bless your heart. xo

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Tritorch is a warrior poet, who has sacrificed his own earthly life in order to bring truth to the masses and awaken the Remnant. I stand beside him, and I know him to be a follower of Jesus of Nazareth, who is the Christ.

Are you a follower of Christ?

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Excuse me, but I think Tritorch can take care of himself, I think he understands what I’m about, I don’t need you in my face, and it’s none of your business what my beliefs are. Calm down, have a glass of milk. I am not the enemy.

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Guys, please don't fight.

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With all due respect, IMO you may want to calm down yourself as well. No one has insulted you, & I think Special Ted was just trying to help you understand Tritorch a bit. I've been on this channel for quite awhile now and I've seen Tritorch go thru absolute hell, so some of us are a bit protective of him. There's not a thing wrong with that, and no one here is trying to make you feel badly or attack you, no one is criticizing you. I say all this as a 70 y.o. woman.

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Homeschool. Even if you think you can't do it, isn't it better for your kids to be uninformed, rather than misinformed?

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My brother in Christ, you were wonderful! Praise our Heavenly Father and all glory be to him! Thank you for your sacrifice, and for your beautiful heart.

I pray that God equips you with his full spiritual armor each and every day, as you lead the way for the Remnant. I love you brother!

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In the end, what the Globalists want is to KILL US.

This is about CULLING us down to a few hundred thousand, who would be slaves...

Of course, that won't happen.

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Thank you for spreading the info on this heinous crime towards our children.

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Good interview... I get Iron Will's newsletter and watched through his link.

Blessings to you both for presenting a resource that will hopefully bring the matters discussed to a growing audience.

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Sorry TriTorch, you can't use the prisons for justice because they are run by pedophiles too!

But we need to move away from punishment for our own sakes. We need to look at the terrain we exist in and clean it up, rather than focus on the symptoms. Pedophilia is a symptom in my view, not a cause. It is the result of something. And that something is that we kill our own kind - not just for mating, but systematically. And we are so casual about it, we even "honor" those who kill. That is going against biology and that is what is distorting everything.. If we held the most elemental principles to a scared level, pedophilia most likely would be rare if it even existed. What should be our elemental principles? I think

1. Free speech (yes, free speech is not just the First Amendment but it is fundamental to humanity) If we spoke freely, pedophilia and probably most crimes couldn't get a leg-up. Why do you suppose that all dictators are for censorship. By-the-way, if you censor others, that indicates you consent to censorship. All speech must be free - it can always be countered by more speech, preferably rational and coherent speech.

2. Body autonomy (pretty basic)

3. A money system that is treated like a measurement, that doesn't appreciate or depreciate.

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I agree with all those things denise, it certainly is a terrain problem, but how to deal with it now because it's so destructive? We can't really wait til the terrain is repaired because children are being ruined now, and they will go on to ruin.

Regarding free speech, I wrote this a few years ago when it became clear that was a primary target:


Give up your free speech at your peril. Once they are able to silence you, the game is over. The loss of all of your other freedoms will follow shortly after. Anyone that advocates to censor you, or to unmask your anonymity is your adversary. Treat them like one - no matter what else they say.

But why is it so vital and necessary for the combined monolithic apparatus of government, corporations, and NGOs, to brute force censor everyone while decimating the careers and reputations of the dissenters? Here is why:

The reason the First Amendment is prime directive order 1, is because it is the most important freedom we have for the same reason it is the first target an adversary subverts, disrupts, and destroys during a crime, a war, or a takeover—preventing a target from assembling, communicating, and organizing a response to an assault grants an enormous advantage to the aggressors.

This is and has been occurring all across the globe since the minute this COVID-19 fraud was propagated to every corner of the earth.

The Second Amendment is second because it is the remedy for anyone trying to subvert the First.

The fog of this war is purposefully thick—a massive labyrinth filled with wrong turns, dead ends, and long, interesting paths to nowhere—relentless discombobulation are important tentpoles of demoralization and destabilization.


Bodily autonomy, yes, but what about the defenseless children's bodily autonomy, again they cannot wait for us to get around to fixing the system, they need us now.

And sound money, heck yeah! We're both students of the 2008 credit crunch. Credit by the way, has to go, because it exists as an end run around the gold standard, and is the cause of these booms and busts.

Great comment, thank you!

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I relate to your urgency for our children. I think we need to help parents get them out of schools. Probably most parents keep them in schools because the parents are employed, well the rest of society should help them keep their jobs but work out how the community can train the children and look after them. I think this is imperative. But alas, I don't feel confident that the community will pitch in that way. Maybe if someone started it off.

I believe money has to be looked at in a different way to the past, like not have a gold standard but something that is not mined and that is infinite. I like the idea of hours or cannabis as the backing to a new currency and no crypto. Crypto will only exacerbate what we already have, it's in the name "crypt" meaning death chamber.

I feel that we are not planning anything and barely getting together to talk about it. To get anything done, it has to be carried out a bit like a business, we have to have meetings and make strategies that we agree on, and everyone plays a part, in the capacity they are able. That hasn't happened yet, but it has to. Thank you for your care for society and free speech.

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Then we will just hang them high. The younger the child victim, the higher they hang so everyone can get a better view and be warned.

Normally, I would not stoop to such tactics, but in this case, I don’t see how else the burgeoning fires of pedophilia that will soon be rampant can be better extinguished. Children are off limits. Period. Even violent criminal offenders know this:

The prison system operates within an unspoken hierarchy, where child molesters—often referred to as "chomos" in prison slang—occupy the lowest tier. Among the most despised offenders, they are met with severe hostility from other inmates, facing frequent isolation, violence, and limited access to rehabilitation programs. While incarceration is inherently harsh, the conditions for convicted child sex offenders are particularly unforgiving, often leaving them with no choice but to seek protective custody as a means of survival. —https://www.inmateaid.com/information/life-behind-bars-what-happens-to-child-predators-in-prison

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Your suggestions for deadly violent solutions is something I am wondering about.

Do you believe this is what Jesus taught or advocated as a solution?

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That's an interesting question. I believe that when you ruin a child's life and potential you forfeit your own. Jesus said it would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.

Well, they're causing them to stumble, time to start investing in millstones. Seems pretty clear cut to me Pirate. In this one instance, Jesus wants no one committing this crime and provides the penalty for it.

His take on this, I believe, is because children are uncut innocent diamonds of pure promise. And that is something so sacred and divine that, woe to those who defile it.

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I understand your take on this. Though I stop when Jesus said it's better if a millstone....To me that says something worse, than being tossed in the ocean with a heavy weight tied around your neck, awaits them. Like hell.

I think we differ on this. I don't see anything in what Jesus said or did that tells me He thinks seeking someone out and killing them is a good solution.

I also think there's a reason we are taught that we are all born into sin. I've known some complicated children who were not pure anything. I hesitate to say anyone is. Even children.

Also, children seldom reach adulthood undefiled one way or another by experience. Perhaps not sexually defiled but there are many kinds of defilement and some are worse than the physical sort. So no child is going to remain unsullied by the people of this world and who do we hold accountable for this and how?

Now, this being said by me, if I encountered someone abusing a child, I would do whatever is necessary to make them stop. Even if it meant killing the abuser if I had to.

Something to think about. It's good to know what's in your heart to do and not to do. To know where you honestly stand.

Thanks for your answer.

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And thank you for yours, you've given me something to think about as well.

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Something else has come to my mind I thought I'd mention - I was abused by people I knew when I was young child. Which is the most typical kind of sexual abuse, the abuser is someone close to the child.

If someone had tried to take one of these people and hang them, I would have fought that person to save the abuser's life because I loved them.

I would not have been happy or feel vindicated to see them dead and that hasn't changed.

Hmmm....so much is deeper than we realize. More to think about.

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Iron Will is a truly honorable person. Thank you Iron Will for doing this research. I can tell you really know how dire the situation is. If only others realized but they don't. Well they're in for a shock because we're not going to let it rest. We will make as much noise as it takes. If people don't wake up, that's their choice. We need to get started on making alternatives possible.

This energy that wants to destroy the good, is the energy of death. It feeds off death, hence the obsession with blood and hanging supposedly god's son on the cross. The cross is the symbol of death. So they've got everyone focusing on all the wrong things. This inversion is so deep. The good shall prevail but not without effort.

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What about Tritorch's advocacy for killing the pedophiles? How does this fit in for you?

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Thanks for the question. I believe that when we intend to kill ANYBODY, then we cause chaotic permutations in "the field" of consciousness. I also believe that pedopohilia is a symptom of humans killing their own. It is so easily stated to kill, kill, kill. But that only makes us stupider because then we use that as a blanket solution for everything. We have intelligence and we don't use it, plus we go against nature itself by killing our own kind, as all species main imperative is to further the species. Humans don't know anything about themselves still. The way to send pedophiles back into their closet is to make free speech "the norm". To utterly condemn censorship, blocking, banning or in other words, preventing another from speaking their truth. Free speech also enables objections to be voiced, but to cut someone off should be anathema to anyone who wants to be free.

This will have the effect of people "blabbing" about what they saw or what happened to them and the controllers know this and that's why they are always on the side of censorship. "Penalty" would be cutting the perpetrator off from social connection. There needs to be a pathway back but it must all be totally voluntary, and their acceptance back into society needs to be done in slow increments over a long time - just to make sure it's not just a passing fad.

We don't live in a world like this yet, but we must make it and how we make it is by NEVER censoring another (blocking, banning, muting, included) and condemning those who do. That will make censorship offensive and so things will change for the better for all of us. Some people may balk at being offended by someone else's truth, but that is a small price to pay for freedom.

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That's all very interesting and I am agreeing with most all of it.

There's a book written by a woman who was a clinical psychologist who decided the best way to help victims of child predators was to find ways to "de-commission" the predators so they would stop victimizing. Preventing the creation of new victims in other words.

PREDATORS by Anna Salter.

I haven't read it in years and am saving pennies to buy another copy since I think it's out of print or something and keeps escalating in price. But, anyway, I've read a lot of books about child sexual abuse and this is one of the best.

She agrees that through open communication the mind of the predator can be seen and is the key to stopping them from committing more abuse. She also addresses her own revulsion at listening to what the predators had to say and how she overcame it. Not through becoming sympathetic but in dismantling it. Sort of like how one would dismantle a bomb.

Anyway, she says it much better than I am. Now I want to buy that book....

Thanks for your thoughts. So interesting and great ideas. God Bless.

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TriTorch, you did a stellar job. You didn't come off as nervous at all, I would say, thoughtful about the situation we're in. And that is enough to bring on vomiting. I think the first thing we need is to have a meeting and discuss strategy. My philosophy is to engage in building up not tearing down, therefore let them have their stupid schools, schools are like gulags anyway. Let's work with parents and interested parties and support them in taking their children out of schools. Even the elderly can help by say, minding the children till their mother comes home from work if she's a working mother, getting groceries for the family, simple things like that that anyone can do. While also arranging for teachers to cover subjects that the parents value being taught, and offering an array of choices of subjects to choose from and finding neighboorhood families that would agree to use their house for one or some of the subjects. This really could spark plug a whole new paradigm of teaching and how children learn things. It will be more organic and not institutionalized, because they are learning that kind of thing too, and to always be inferior.. Not only would this be good for the children, it will be good for everyone else as well. The mothers at least have to be seen standing for the children. Children MUST see this happening. Fathers too. And fathers will probably be better at organizing these alternatives as men are the builders (women are the designers) The children must see adults protecting the children otherwise they'll have no faith in life and we will be letting the futures of everyone, human and animal included, be subjected to a fate worse than death. We cannot let this happen. When do we meet? Can we put a list together of interested individuals?

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Thanks denise! These ideas are outstanding. Your wit and experience dwarf mine.

Can i restack your reply to get the word out? Ultimately, we can organize this via my Substack and Dr. Paul Alexander will probably be on board as well (he has 42k subscribers) not to mention Celia Farber, but it’ll take a bit to get all the ducks in a row. In fact, I am actually really really busy at the moment, is it possible you can start an article on this? And then we can collaborate maybe Tuesday to adding ideas and getting it out to the audiences?

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I think the reason why they want society to be lame and stupid and traumatized is because they want to feel normal, they know that pedophilia is repudiated by "normal" society and they have anger that they were left out of society and hated, that they have to hide what they are to be accepted. It's also a form of deep self-hatred, lack of love and cherishing from a young age, (through their own abuse by adults in their young years). It's so sordid.

But one has to ask, why are parents subjecting their precious children to this by sending them to the schools? I would think that by now, we all would be aiding parents in getting their children OUT of the schools quick smart and into home or neighborhood schooling where the parents get the say on everything. Sending children to the schools is plunging them into harm's way. We have to get them out and this shows also that we renounce with all our heart what they are doing to our beloved children.

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Insightful viewpoint, reminds me of a line from a super-hero movie: "And when everyone's Super, no one will be." Trying to make the lowest common depraved denominator as normal, that's almost profound, denise.

As for the rest, advanced psychological warfare has dumbed everyone down--putting politics and the culture war at the center of everyone's universe. No one can think straight about much anymore, and many can be triggered at the drop of a hat which shuts off all critical thinking immediately, which is of course, the reason for it.

If interested, I delve into this phenomenon (as it pertains to politics, but then they've politicized everything on purpose thus everything is politics) here (very short article): https://tritorch.com/folly

It's a loooooong road back to sanity. They've turned the majority of mankind into easily agro'd lemmings with practically zero emotional or rational intelligence.

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We must not be too discouraged by the volume of sleepers though they are vast. We know that in their ignorance they hold the wheel of our collective futures because they are so vast in number. But change always happens by the few. It is incumbent on us to make the changes at least for ourselves. I believe they will be so good that the sleepers will come along enthusiastically and then we all win.

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I'm reading that excellent article. The mind control exerted by the government can be just as easily exerted for the good. An understanding of ratios is important to recognize as it gives us a quick snapshot of the overall picture. But they've got us looking at pixels, the small everyday details and thus, we miss out on what's happening in the big picture. Looking at the big picture enables us to find solutions that have systemic results instead of pockets of success that don't change the vast poisonous terrain. We barely have words to convey these new concepts as our eyes are being opened now to what reality actually is and to what we actually are. Although anchored belief won't come until we "go through the motions". Like learning to play an instrument, we are getting to know how to play ourselves instead of being played!

The reason people feel attacked is because they equate their opinions to their own self-worth. This is a faulty association as we are more than even our body let alone our opinions. And we must always hold that we could be wrong, because even with more careful analysis, we can only see 1% of the light spectrum. Therefore we must keep an open mind to change, but scrutinize everything we hear.

Those of us who are "awakened" have to step up because it is incumbent on us with this knowledge much more so than by the people who are still asleep.

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I share your concern about society and the hive mind, however they are followers, and follow is what they do. We are not followers so we are the ones that have to kickstart things off. When we show what is possible and all based on ethics, which we name and live by, then they will want to come onboard as well. Forget about changing their minds, our main priority needs to be mobilizing the ones who can see beyond the veil. It is like a spell. The mainstream will come out of it, but it's going to take the expeditiionists to get the ball rolling. That's people like you and me. We can so "have" this by the third quarter of this year. I shall make contact with you about it.

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Re "How to Support this Work", I'd suggest adding "SUBSCRIBE" to the list. I saw "give a gift" - which appears to be "subscribe" - along the top bar but that's not obvious. For those of us not happy w/ venmo or paypal, and not familiar w/ kofi, subscribing works!

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Apologies for the delay on that R1ghtTh1nk, this is done! =)

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Brilliant expose. The insane lefties actually thought they were on the right side of the equation. Now they scamble like rats from a sinking ship. Exposing gender bending compounds in Ag chemicals was most definitely deliberate. Their ship has many holes blown in the hull, this one included. It is sinking

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We do not consent to this vile behavior. Do you hear this NANCY AND JEAN DUPREE????

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That's a great idea about having the children report to their parents about activities by the school. This makes the child pay attention and reason through what's being taught and to question and discuss with those who love them and have their best interests at heart.

And that's just the first two minutes of the video. Back to watching...

Please financially support this stack. Tritorch burns brightly.

God Bless.

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Yep, flip the Pol Pot script!

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So that transfers the responsibility to the child rather than the parent. The parent is consenting to the child's subjection to this tommyrot by sending them to the indoctrination centers. It really is the parents who are culpable, also for injecting their children with substances they know nothing about. I regret having to be so blunt, but let's be clear. The insane rulers are pushing us to stand up in our integrity.

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That's not what I said. The child lets the parent know what's happening at school and the parent makes a decision about what actions to take.

I understand. In a perfect world no child would have to go to public school, but we don't live in a perfect world and it's better for a child to learn to read or have a chance of learning to read than no chance, so they can read and hopefully become better people for it.

I personally hated school. After learning the basics I learned nothing worth knowing and found the entire process boring and useless.

The cost of living IN REALITY in most cities has made it impossible for most one parent households to provide basic necessities for their children. So homeschooling is out. At this moment in time.

I don't think quiting a job and staying home with the children is a reasonable thing to think people will do when that means if they do homeschool there will soon be no home to school in.

So...if you want to propose people do unrealistic things that because they are unrealistic people likely won't do, keep spitting in the wind and accusing others of lacking integrity because they don't want a face full of saliva.

If you have time, why not create a homeschool and collectively teach a group of children in your neighborhood? That might help.

EDIT : I read some of your earlier discussions with Tritorch and see you would like to form homeschool collectives. Do it. Lead by example.

God Bless.

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If I had the time I would, and I used to love teaching but it isn't in me now. However I would be part of a group that helps create PMA's or whathaveyou as an alternative to schooling. I am working on bringing local farmers together and making their produce available in our city and I don't feel like I'm good at organizing people. I would love to be part of a homeschooling movement if a few were interested to start off, and that may come along too because it is so important. However the parents need to be actively seeking alternatives and that starts the way for something to get going. It's not something we should be trying to "push", the parents need to be looking for ways they can take their children out of school and not just succumb to the belief that it isn't possible.

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All good thoughts. I hope your projects turn out well for everyone.

God Bless.

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Thank you. I wish you well too. And thanks for challenging me. I love when people challenge each other. This is what needs to be done to start a new society, a new renaissance you could say, from the dark, ignorance that has overshadowed humanity for so long.

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