Jan 12·edited Jan 12Pinned

Hi all, here is an executive summary of what I think we should work on, but ALL ideas are encouraged and welcomed:


-For starters, we come up with just a few effective attention grabbing designs for flyers that contain important information regarding the catastrophic damage of the injections. From there we can move on to other subjects: inflation leading to CBDCs, social credit systems, vaccine passports, 15 minute cities, the open borders across the world, etc.

-Each flyer will include a short easily transcribed link (or QR Code) which leads to a landing page with more detailed information about the injection damage

-This information will include ways that they can spread the word and fight back

Web & Printing:

-I will handle the web landing pages

-Flyer printing: either we each print our own or we crowdfund a printing company to do it for us


-We all hit the pavement and put them on cars, light polls, bulletin boards, you name it

If we are able to handle the first three steps, any amount of distribution would make a difference. Like a ripple in a pond the information will radiate and plant seeds.

Many thanks to Anne Clifton from 'Outside the Camp' lit the spark on this project. Her work is here: https://asclifton1971.substack.com

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Maybe we should consider using some of their own predatory designs against them. Here is some inspiration: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=informational+flyers+for+covid+vaccine+damage&t=brave&iax=images&ia=images

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Good stuff. My wife and I can help translate flyers to Thai and distribute throughout Bangkok and outer provinces of Thailand with some help from my readership base. We successfully used the Covidian's love of the new normal QR codes to print (decentralised & untraceable) QR codes linking to information on the EUA countermeasures etc.

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12Liked by TriTorch

OMG. FINALLY FINALLY! Someone who suggests something other than typing and hoping. I am in.' I did this ON MY OWN DURING THE PLANDEMIC! I had 300 stickers made detailing the insanity of it and put them everywhere. In addition, I tore down every last mask or covid sign i saw. You all need to do that. NOW. Let's go! How do I get involved? THANK YOU.

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Jan 12Liked by TriTorch

If you can email me the flyer, I will have printed and start pounding the pavement. paczzy@aol.com. I live in Point Pleasant NJ. Right now our little beach town is just locals but we get lots and lots of tourists in the Spring and Summer. I am more than happy to spread the word about how NOT safe and effective the vaccine is. My brother is disabled from the vaccine. He was a architect and can no longer look at a computer screen, TV etc. Is in the fetal position when the barometric pressure changes with sunrise, sunset, rain, etc. Can not drive his children to school or sports. I told him not to get it but was forced because of a project he was running in NYC. I need to advocate for my brother who at the age of 45 can not provide for his family. I need to advocate for all the vaccine injured and for all those that lost their lives because of the lies our government fed us!

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Jan 12Liked by TriTorch

I'm in! I get so sick of being around people who are more worried about their next vacation or hat Netflix series to watch next than they are what's going on all around us. I know so many people who have been sick since the jabs. I'd say about 50% at least say that their symptoms started after the jabs so that's a start.

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Tritorch you are right-- we all need to reach out. Thank you for your efforts in inspiring and encouraging this outreach. We have encouraged a Freedom Flyer movement in 2022 and offer a flyer for anyone's use, here: https://breggin.com/admin/fm/source/6905_breggin/Freedom%20Flyers/800px_images/Freedom-Flyers-FN-V3.pdf

Here is our substack encouraging this:


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Jan 12·edited Jan 12Liked by TriTorch

good news - there's already plenty of stuff like this out there. for example the white rose stickers and posters https://artofliberty.org/white-rose/

what is the objective? if it's building a network, something punchy and effective with a link to this substack would be enough. if it's redpilling normies, i think the most effective way to start an elevator pitch is to start with inflation. as evil as the lethal injection campaign is, jab uptake has pretty much flatlined (i don't believe the cdc numbers - guessing that booster uptake is maybe 2% at best). but everybody's feeling the pinch and can relate. i worry that focusing on the lethality of the jab might still be a little too close to "conspiracy theory" for people who basically live in an alternate reality.

seems to me that the 3 biggest dangers facing us are a) cbdc, b) digital id and c) UN2030 agenda (seizure of private property, destruction of fossil fuel economy, 15 minute prisons etc). comments/suggestions welcome

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12Liked by TriTorch

Excellent Idea!! Count me in...here in the heart of Silicone Valley....Masks are back here at all medical facilities in Santa Clara County for patients and workers, and worn voluntarily by a larger number of people than I would have expected (actually, maybe I had false hopes in people). Costco has about 1/4-1/3 of the customers walking around with masks. Ugh, I hate this area.

I've always liked this one:


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Jan 12Liked by TriTorch

This is a concern, The Great Taking. A group of us watched it a week ago. It says that our laws / statutes have been changed to allow our funds, land, property to be taken of institutions fail. In other words, those of us who have managed our lives and money are to be preyed upon by the rich who have not.

The author states that we must change US Codes & State codes legally.


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I’m in and will help distribute. I like the picture Fortiori has of the hand with the mask and underneath it with a quick and to the point that get someone’s attention …. And add an evil 👿 clown 🤡

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Jan 12Liked by TriTorch

Drugstore and other photo print services can print up 4x6 photo prints easily and cheaply. For years, I've printed up my memes and art, formatted as 4x6 postcards and passed them out to friends, family and passersby.

You are welcome to print up any of your own copies by downloading the 4x6 image files from my stack: https://nedb.substack.com/archive?sort=new

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Jan 12Liked by TriTorch

Thank you for the inspiration to DO something and to help people and to help open their eyes to see, TriTorch!!

The fliers Denise posted she had just recently sent to me and said we should put them all over for people to see. Great minds and Godly inspiration!🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Jan 12Liked by TriTorch

The timing of this is perfect (election year) and could swing a lot of people that are on the fence about issues affecting our freedoms due to the lies they've been fed by bidet and them. I would love to do my part. I live in a tourist town and all those northerners from blue states flock here starting next month. There's miles and miles of parking lots and foot traffic is all over the place. How do I sign up?

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12Liked by TriTorch

I propose this simple question to people, "Since getting the COVID vaccine, has your health improved, stayed the same or deteriorated?"

This question easily fits on an address label sticker (sheets of 30 available at any office supply store) and you can print them at home with your printer, each label formatted like this:

Since getting the COVID vaccine,

has your health improved,

stayed the same or deteriorated?

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Tritorch - are you familiar with https://banners4freedom.com/

I made a flyer that I can email you. It was printed on card stock and I slid them into drivers side windows. I also taped them up in bathroom stalls.

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I am in. I am not a leader but will do what is asked of me. For starters, should we get a as secure as possible way of communicating like telegraph or something?

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Jan 12Liked by TriTorch

here are a couple of flyers that brucha weisberger put together - she has done a lot of these over the last couple of years. targeted to a jewish audience but could be adapted https://truth613.substack.com/p/powerful-information-sheets-to-share

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What's the goal here Tri? The jabs are just one front in the war on humanity in the name of saving the planet. We're already getting shed on & sprayed on, and poisoned in so many ways.

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This is similar to https://startlemag.substack.com/p/the-master-plan-operation-meme-irl

I'll let him know about this page as well.

I love the idea of flyers and stickers, memeing in the real world to reach the normies.

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love this idea ................. flyers that I can print off 10 copies on my computer every so often and give out ......... it would be great. I need some of the flyers to not be scary?? :) especially for friends and family who believed the lies originally but have gone quiet now, not defending the lies like they used to......

..................things like "better than vaccines" vitamin d levels of 40-60, even 60-80; get it for free from the sun in 15 minutes in the middle of the day in Maryland from March to Sept/October; vitamin c doses of 3000-5000 mg a day liposomal vitamin c absorbed at an 80% rate versus 20% of regular vitamin c .... reduce heart disease by 80% .... and the ivermectin (also fenbendazole, etc) and cancer ..... "Who knows what" about cancer rates in Uttar Pradesh, India who gave their 210 million population ivermectin back in Sept 2020. Did they plummet? or is a longer course of ivermectin needed to get population wide reduction of cancers of many kinds?

I looked around ... what entity has so much money that they can buy up U.S. media, U.S. government, and U.S. corporations / organizations so much so that they can turn a virus with multiple successful treatments low risk low cost with repurposed drugs and/or vitamin c / vitamin d orthomolecular medicine .... into a $200 billion covid vaccine industry ?? learntherisk.org has a broken link to a U.S. Commerce Dept statistics page that says the pharmaceutical industry is a $1 trillion dollar PROFIT a year industry. I figured that was the answer to the question to who has all of that disposable cash to buy out governments, media of all political angles, and corporations, organizations.

So I think a flyer that says Have you seen this? with this type of basic information about just a few successes of orthomolecular medicine and repurposed drugs that have been censored diminished disparaged for decades ... might be enough to break the extreme power that these extreme profits of the pharmaceutical monopoly have purchased.

a year of jubilee..... vaccines are old science ............ far better vitamin d levels of 40-60, even 60-80; high dose divided doses of vitamin c, liposomal vitamin c, IV vitamin c; ivermectin / fenbendazole / doxycycline / berberine (like 14 pages of protocols at floridasharkman.org ) .

I feel the time is coming to stop talking about vaccines and to talk about vitamin d , vitamin c, and ivermectin and their extraordinary abilities to clear toxins, clear viruses, and give the body the tools it needs to recover from illness / disease / cancer and/or to stay healthy.

Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and ivermectin.

1. ************************************************

page 245-246 of Dr. Michael Holick's (a 40 year researcher on vitamin D) published in his 2010 book, "The Vitamin D Solution" ...................... "For some, even physicians, it's incomprehensible that vitamin D can reduce the risk of heart attack by as much as 50 percent; reduce the risk of common cancers of the colon, prostate, and breast by as much as 50 percent; reduce the risk of infections [typo in book? infectious?) diseases, including influenza, by as much as 90 percent; reduce the risk of type 1 diabetes by 78 percent in a child who gets 2000 IU of vitamin D a day in the first year of life; decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes; decrease the risk of dementia and depression; wipe out cases of fibromyalgia that have been misdiagnosed; and dramatically decrease the risk of multiple sclerosis and other auto-immune diseases. When in doubt, I always go back to this simple fact; every tissue and cell in the body has a vitamin D receptor." end of excerpt from page 245-246 of Dr. Michael Holick's book "The Vitamin D Solution".

2. ********************************************************

a. https://www.optimalc.com/images/xcathcart-vitamin-c-dose-chart.jpg.pagespeed.ic.9Q4ns_Xv02.jpg

b. https://www.faim.org/interview-with-dr-paul-marik-on-vitamin-c-protocol-for-sepsis

c. http://www.orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v01n02.shtml


Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, April 22, 2005

Vitamin C Saves Lives

Millions die each year from heart disease and stroke, and the overwhelming evidence is that vitamin C supplementation would save many lives.

Two-time Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling estimated that the rate of heart disease would be reduced by 80 per cent if adults in the US supplemented with 2,000 to 3,000 mg of vitamin C each day. According to Dr. Pauling, "Since vitamin C deficiency is the common cause of human heart disease, vitamin C supplementation is the universal treatment for this disease."[1] Heart disease is the number one killer in the US. For those with existing heart disease Dr. Pauling said that blockage of heart arteries could actually be reversed by supplementing with 6,000 of vitamin C and 6,000 of lysine (a common amino acid) taken in divided doses throughout the day. Vitamin C supplementation both lowers serum cholesterol levels and repairs lesions of arterial walls. 1998 Nobel Prize winner Dr. Louis J. Ignarro found that supplementing with vitamin C and vitamin E significantly reduces the risk of developing arteriosclerosis.[2]

A study examined vitamin E and vitamin C supplement use in relation to mortality risk in 11,178 persons aged 67-105 who participated in the Established Populations for Epidemiologic Studies of the Elderly over a nine year period.[3] Simultaneous use of vitamins E and C was associated with a lower risk of total mortality and coronary mortality after adjusting for alcohol use, smoking history, aspirin use, and medical conditions.

A landmark study following over 85,000 nurses over a 16-year period for a total of 1,240,000 person-years found that vitamin C supplementation significantly reduced the risk of heart disease.[4] Intake of vitamin C from foods alone was insufficient to significantly effect the rate of heart disease. High quantities of vitamin C from supplements was essential to provide the protective effects. The study adjusted for age, smoking, and a variety of other coronary risk factors."

3 . ********************************************************



Antiviral Protocol....................................................................................................................................... 3

Suggested Uses..................................................................................................................................... 3

Description............................................................................................................................................ 3

Timeframe............................................................................................................................................. 3

Antiviral Two-Month Calendar ................................................................................................................ 4

Month One......................................................................................................................................... 4

Antiviral Protocol – Month Two............................................................................................................ 5

Protocol A................................................................................................................................................. 6

Protocol A – Monthly Calendar ............................................................................................................... 6

Protocol B................................................................................................................................................. 7

Suggested Uses..................................................................................................................................... 7

Description............................................................................................................................................ 7

Timeframe............................................................................................................................................. 7

Protocol B – Monthly Calendar............................................................................................................ 8

Protocol C................................................................................................................................................. 9

Brain Cancer Glioblastoma (GBM) Protocol ............................................................................................. 10

Month One .......................................................................................................................................... 10

Brain Cancer (GBM) Protocol – Month Two............................................................................................ 11

Lyme Disease Protocol (two-months)....................................................................................................... 12

Month One .......................................................................................................................................... 12

Lyme Disease Protocol – Month Two..................................................................................................... 13

Resources............................................................................................................................................... 14

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Substack writer A Midwestern Doctor has directed his or her? readers to an incredible site with information, handouts, etc. related to the WHO treaty which will be considered in May of this year. Dr. Meryl Nass is working very hard to educate us on this issue. Check it out! https://doortofreedom.org/

Also, I purchased some mega (not maga) 4 inch paperclips to wear to draw attention to the plans of the totalitarians. I think some of the Door to Freedom handouts might be useful in conjunction with my new "jewelry." If you have no idea what I'm talking about regarding paperclips, you can read my post about the Paperclip Resistance of the Nazi era here: https://asclifton1971.substack.com/p/the-great-paperclip-resistance?fbclid=IwAR2WZ29DMAkpNt-Pwgp9A_asZ4oGjDw7TkquAuMhX89_rLCTVY-s_GMD3Tc

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Jan 12Liked by TriTorch

TriTorch, excuse me if this was already suggested. Does anyone know how to get a local mailing list like the realtors , insurance companies, churches, etc. use to put out mailings? If we could get those mailing lists for our areas, and send flyers in the mail in bulk, it would be spread wide. I’d be willing to pay for the list and postage in my area.

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Jan 12Liked by TriTorch

In your opinion what website(s) would you point them to for accurate information?

I’m thinking of ones that don’t speculate but can ease those who have no clue into the information. I’m a science nerd and I know that much of what I read can overwhelm people.

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Jan 16Liked by TriTorch

Hey TriTorch! I'm kinda late reading this stack, my substack email notifications are a bit sketchy. This is a great idea! Are you familiar with The White Rose? It was a non-violent resistence movement to the Nazi occupation of Germany in 1942, with Sophi and Hans Scholl.

Lots of ideas for flyers and stickers here. The templates are free.

Telegram -


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Jan 20Liked by TriTorch

What might be more effective in expanding people’s awareness could be a simple statement, or better yet, a simple question. Perhaps a question that planted a tiny seed of doubt. Such a micro-message would fit on a standard address label sticker.

TriTorch, I have downloadable PDFs of two address-label-sized "micro-memes" in this article: https://nedb.substack.com/p/sticky-micro-memes (I've linked to this article in my article to send my readers here.)

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Jan 18Liked by TriTorch

Maybe OT, but someone posted a bunch of “scientific” links to articles touting S&E, and “fact-checking” VIs. I could not even bring myself to read. If anyone has debunked them, please share.

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Do you have a few examples of the objectives?

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Excellent! We win this thing with words. Check out my new word, coincidist, describing people who blame medical harm on coincidence. Coincidism is a filthy thing that goes right along with fascism and communism. We counter coincidism with creativity, humor and love.


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deletedJan 12Liked by TriTorch
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