Signs & Symbols, Predictive Programming, Lesser Magic, COVID-19, the Coronavirus Idol, & Global Contagion Domination
How Fear of Contagion is Being Exploited to Put the World in a Headlock Stranglehold
Introduction, 2025, Contagion Panic 3.0
The media has their marching orders and is signalling that it has been decreed that 2025 will be the year of the bird flu. If true, we can expect a much upgraded version of our pandemic forbearers—expect all of the lessons learned and hindsight gleaned from their 2020 & 2009 beta wargames to zoom in on us at maximum tilt.
This article is concerned with the idea of the coronavirus itself. The crown idol revered by those harnessing it as a mind disease to shackle us, and feared by those who trust the deceit and accept those shackles with an open embrace.
Never before has fear been so effective at stripping our freedoms. The threat of terrorism was mild by comparison and no where near quite haunting enough to so inspire the populace to voluntarily deliver their liberty to the nearest politician. But the threat of bioterrorism: an invisible contagion? Something you can neither see nor combat, and that transforms you into a destructive missile locked, loaded, armed, unleashed, and aiming directly at those you cherish the most? That is a different animal altogether.
Oh yes, the powers that should be drawn and quartered revere their bio-terror idol with all of their hearts (do they have hearts?) hatred, as no other type of conjured-up-hobgoblin in history has so easily given so much control to so few over so many. And on a silver platter, at that.
Excerpts from Biosecurity & Politics by Giorgio Agamben [Images Added by TriTorch], May 2020
What is striking about the reactions to the apparatuses of exception that have been put in place in our country (and not only in this one) is the inability to observe them beyond the immediate context in which they seem to operate. Rare are those who attempt to interpret them as symptoms and signs of a broader experiment — as any serious political analysis would require — in which what is at stake is a new paradigm for the governance of men and things.
It is evident that, apart from the emergency situation, linked to a certain virus that may in the future be replaced by another, at issue is the design of a paradigm of governance whose efficacy will exceed that of all forms of government known thus far in the political history of the West.
If already, in the progressive decline of ideologies and political beliefs, security reasons allowed citizens to accept limitations on their liberty that they previously were unwilling to accept, biosecurity has shown itself capable of presenting the absolute cessation of all political activity and all social relations as the maximum form of civic participation. Thus it was possible to see the paradox of organizations of the left, traditionally in the habit of claiming rights and denouncing violations of the constitution, accepting limitations on liberty made by ministerial decree devoid of any legal basis and which even fascism couldn’t dream of imposing.
It is evident — and government authorities themselves do not cease to remind us of it — that so-called “social distancing” will become the model of politics that awaits us, and that (as representatives of a so-called “task force” announced, whose members are in an obvious conflict of interest with the role that they are expected to exercise) advantage will be taken of this distancing to substitute digital technological apparatuses everywhere in place of human physicality, which as such becomes suspect of contagion (political contagion, let it be understood).
At issue is an entire conception of the destinies of human society … Having replaced politics with the economy, now in order to secure governance even this must be integrated with the new paradigm of biosecurity, to which all other exigencies will have to be sacrificed. It is legitimate to ask whether such a society can still be defined as human or whether the loss of sensible relations, of the face, of friendship, of love can be truly compensated for by an abstract and presumably completely fictitious health security.
—Source (The entire short article is essential reading)
Disease: The Back Door to Slit the Throat of All Notions of Freedom
The Concept of Contagion:
Each of us is a companion-seeking weapon that can kill grandma at any moment, and so because we ourselves are the threat, freedom is the threat, and therefore all non-essential activity must be denied. Only “they” get to determine what is or is not “essential”, and this is a dynamically changing judgement based on what they want in the moment and at the expense of everything else.

Think about how diabolically genius this is—they are preying on our instinctual need to be good people. After-all, who wants to be responsible for killing grandma? Not a soul. Consequently those bewitched by the propaganda then eagerly turn in their sovereignty to the nearest checkpoint while hating and scorning those who do not. Next the parasite controlled media dramatically magnifies both the positive feelings that stem from doing right by your fellow man, right alongside the negative aspects of self-righteousness, indignation, self-preservation, & condemnation:
The very notion of contagion brings out the worst in us while in many of our minds it’s bringing out the best. And this apogee exploit of our nature is so effective and revered by the powers that will be abandoning all hope in the next life that it should come as no surprise that they dedicated the entire opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Winter Games to the worship of contagion’s harbinger: the crowned virus itself—the king coronavirus (there is a LOT to unpack in this video):
Share link: 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony: A Blatant satanic COVID-19 Predictive Programming Ritual
Symbolism & The Coronavirus Idol: Lesser Magic & Predictive Programming
If a picture paints a thousand words, then a symbol paints a thousand pictures. Symbols are employed as a form of lesser magic, the use of which is to program and train the populace to be more accepting and less resistant to the fate that the powers that should be tried for crimes against mankind have in store for us.
The more prevalent a certain symbol is—the more integrated they are in your life—the more powerful the spell that is cast. Here is an example of just how saturated we are with luciferian symbolism in our daily lives. How many can you recognize:
The powers that should be convicted do not go to the trouble & expense of plastering these awful things everywhere they can without reason. Beyond broadcasting their (petulant secret society) presence at certain locations to the delight of some and the dread of others - for everyone else not in the know, they condition our minds to their wants and desires on both the conscience and subconscious levels. And so it follows that our architecture itself is a symbol used by satanists to extract our energy:
So naturally - before and during - the pandemic was saturated with coronavirus symbolism, predictive programming, & masking:

The powers that will be burning forevers’ religion has been on full display throughout this article and you can count me as exhausted from putting it together, so please forgive the abbreviated summary: I think it’s pretty clear what is happening here. You did watch the Olympic video, yes? If not, please go back and do so, it is essential to understanding how all of this fits together. Best to all of you. Conclusion concluded.
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Marx noted the significance of "owning the means of production" and the power that came with it. Were he alive today, he might extend the concept to the even more powerful "owning the means of production of fear."
Hittin' em outta the park again. TT! ⚾