Marx noted the significance of "owning the means of production" and the power that came with it. Were he alive today, he might extend the concept to the even more powerful "owning the means of production of fear."

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Perfectly said.

Control the currency spigot and you can buy the means of production. Control the means of production - make everyone reliant on you for their survival - and you control the means of the production of fear. Control that and you control those who fail to see the bigger picture of why we are here.

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The power to tax is the power to control, the power to control is the power to destroy.

Currency is energy, energy is power.

Govern means to control, “ment” means mind ( ment-ality) Government = mind control

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You got it!

All taxation is meant to increase a slave's dependence on their slavery, as the people taking the tax away from the slaves print the money themselves and therefore don't have any use for it. Taxation is about keeping the slave down. That's it. Taxation has one purpose and one purpose only.

To make the slave dependent on coming back to the modern plantations of slavery, day in and day out. If the slave starts to save their money, give them a TV full of negative role modelling and watch the slave magically go into debt. If the slave still has money, organize a stock market crash or increases the taxes (theft). The people who print the money, have no use for extra fake paper money, which they can print at anytime and in any quantity they desire. The entire drive of the tax system is to make sure the slave has no extra money, as to provide them with enough freedom to figure any of this out.

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And fear creates a great deal of manipulatable energy!

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Then, today we see all the money that wrnt to funding such insanity...oh my. Consequences coming. What a dark day. Repent!

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In the 1970s Australian band “Skyhooks” (very popular down under) had a song “Horror Movie, it’s the 6:30 News” fearmongering is such fun & profit, but it’s hard to tell if it’s “News” or Netflix now.

We can’t see “News” as entertainment until we understand the principles of propaganda, then it’s all a bit of a laugh. Aha-ha ha urghhh

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Hittin' em outta the park again. TT! ⚾

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“Diabolically genius” is right. To even conceive of—much less explicitly state— “self-reliance and small businesses have to go” and “I honestly don’t care if [the willfully unvaccinated] die” is an evil that hates humanity. It’s driven to inflict suffering and commit genocide, and it cleverly manipulates our expectations while playing on our worst fears. Quite the unfathomable beast. I suppose I would be scared to death if I hadn’t been told, “Do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10). How’s THAT for a shot in the arm!

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100%, thank you.

After the gangstalking incident where I got a taste of their evil and high technology, I made an attempt to explain to an atheist friend of mine that he BETTER hope there’s a Jesus out there to counter their near infinite wickedness and hatred for us, because if there isn’t we are in more trouble than could be conceived by the most imaginative person.

My delivery was clumsy but even if it were’t he’s so entrenched I doubt anything I could say could convince him.

“Do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10). How’s THAT for a shot in the arm!“

Finally, an injection worth getting!

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Atheists are hard nuts to crack. I’m trying to maintain a connection with one of the most unhappy and bitter ones I’ve ever met. But we know the Spirit is working through us when we feel love and compassion for them and think, “Father, forgive them. They don’t know what they do.” Keep up the good work, TT. Great post!

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He is our strength, our shield, our fortress, and our deliverer!

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Amen! Look up! Insanity on every side. Danger behind every rock.

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How about images from the 1992 Barcelona Olympics? Can’t get more blatant than that.

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Can’t argue with that:


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Never saw! I'll have to find

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THEY even don't worry the COVID virus has not been isolated using true scientific methods...

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Very true, in fact by July of 2020 it still hadn’t been isolated and yet the vaccines to this unknown virus were already being manufactured. Try squaring that nonsense circle:


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Thank you, for that.

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Fear of Contagion Part 2

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The in-your-face symbolism has another purpose, too: by "putting it out there," the-powers-that-should-not-be believe that, according to their backwards and twisted rules, you are giving your consent to have all of this heinous stuff done to you. By hiding it in plain sight, they are making you complicit.

It's important to remind them that WE DO NOT COMPLY.

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You got it! They think they avoid karma. They are mistaken

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It's a no. No can do. No to their evil designs. No means no. Do not fear, the Lord is with you. We must endure these things in the end, but the Lord will deliver.

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Nice work.

I cannot see the bird flu getting hardly any traction at all. They had only one chance.

They can attempt to keep grinding away at it, but they will simply get picked off one by one.

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You're one of the best in the meme game, documenting headlines and other resources. Great work my new friend!

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Your kudos are much appreciated DM, but until you mentioned it just now, startled, I never once have considered the images I make as memes. Nor do I now. They are artifacts of history. Documenting the abject madness on a cave wall that with luck, future generations will discover and learn from so that they may not make the same mistakes.

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I know you don't intend them to be as such. The clown world is just so absurd and the programming so strong, that when "the powers that should be hanged" release their headlines, they come off as memes to me. I do have a bit of gallows humor though. I don't know what else to do but laugh. It's just so evil and gay as fuck.

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Yes. I've been doing some myself, for the same reasons. And to color a picture for those who still can't fathom. Truth WILL prevail. It's up to all of us to keep sharing, speaking, knocking the evil ones back. With the Lord, all things will be brought to light and justice will prevail.

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Another great post, thanks for continuing to keep the wrongs done front and center. I really appreciated that Agamben link, also. So many of the sentences in it are quoteable--perfectly seeing through the BS to the dark future if we allow it (and we did).

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Linked here from your C&C comment today.

I'd not seen the 2012 Opening Ceremony... haven't watched The Olympics for quite awhile since they've devolved into leftism and antigenderism with their denial of basic biology, etc.

That Opening Ceremony was downright vile. Dark. No right-thinking person could have viewed that as a work of beauty or goodness. Since when are hospital beds relevant to The Olympics, and why depict predators coming for a bunch of kids. That entire video was creepy.

My next thought is that if they were doing this kind of predictive programming (knowingly, or unknowingly as a tool of Evil), then what under heaven comes of the OC of '24 with its despicable and vile malrepresentation and blasphemy of the Last Supper.

God, help us.

I have no more use for The Olympics. I feel badly for the skilled athletes who work hard in their sports and who warrant recognition. And I could not support any person going, I don't think. This is Evil.

Let's not forget that the origin of The Olympics is in a pagan country devoted to polytheism.

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I haven't watched in many years either. Like you, I can't support this. Maybe, the "powers that be" have created too much competition between people, which also divide.

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Does the "Eagle/Falcon/Phoenix" on Captain America's shirt not count as symbolism? Maybe it doesn't, positionwise, it is in front of the other two symbols. Just a thought.

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Their symbolism is everywhere. Well done, TriTorch:

Ephesians 5:11 (ESV) "Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them."

"Do not be anxious about anything."

"Only fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart."

Dwell in the shelter of the Most High. Psalm 91 applies.

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Watch the video! Surely, that wasn't Olympic material? I'll also say, while my dept was too busy helping people, not from the bug, but from the staffing shortages from all the new requirements, redid have a team who tried to bring cheer. Many people may have participated in playing a role in the insanity, but didn't realize it.

It WAS insane.

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Good news… earth is flat… :-(

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Without arguing one way or another, that’s a bit of a non sequitur to the topic at hand, is it not, coronistan?

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Proving the Earth is not Flat - Part 1 - The Horizon https://youtube.com/watch?v=W9ksbh88OJs

Proving the Earth is not Flat - Part 2 - The Stars https://youtube.com/watch?v=NGZEXkSX9wI

Proving the Earth is not Flat - Part 3 - The Moon https://youtube.com/watch?v=FTBaOmJEQg0

Proving the Earth is not Flat - Part 4 - Easy Experiments https://youtube.com/watch?v=VFU1A88N_6I

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Are you inebriated? It is the weekend, after all.

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This person slaps his personal SS links all over everyone else's stacks every day lately

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