1. My husband has a retired co-worker with a wife. He was out to dinner with them during a business trip, and mentioned that our nephew (38) died five days after the Pfizer vaxx, and the nephew's Dad was diagnosed as vaxx injured with shingles. He then got cancer and died. The co-worker proclaimed that was NOT possible that the vaxx was involved and the wife added they have been vaxxed 7x each.
2. I know someone who works for Pfi$er who managed some of the vaxx clinical trials. We can't talk about that, but at one point, she basically said adverse effects did not matter, because C0VID is fatal.
Now that I know what I know about the Covid jab and how many it killed, I wonder about the flu shot. I’d always heard that at least 100,000 die a year from flu in the US but was it the flu or did the flu shot have anything to do with it?
The flu shot is a staging/testing ground for many of their other injection protocols. It’s why they sometimes even offer grocery shoppers %15 percent off their bill if you get one while shopping: if it’s free or incentivized, you’re a lab-rat for their in production real world experiment, and it’s never a benevolent exercise.
Haven't you noticed that seasonal flu shots disappeared? Now CVS+MSM+ rem[nds the populous to take COVID shots? they are tasty spike treats. reassembling forever, thus your body cells will never be hungry again!
Not in Canada! You walk into any grocery store (with a drugstore section) and any drug store and an invitation to get the flu shot is played overhead with Christmas music in the background. A sign is on the door, that reads "get your flu shot. Its free!" Most people I ask who get this shot, don't know it contains m/RNA or even what that is! We are in a black hole here. Ignorance is bliss, they say?
Fauci and the globalist elite scum wanted a "new SHOCKING" strain of flu to be used as the weapon of fear; but the behavioural science teams stated that people would generally ignore it (less jabs) ...so they brought in with a fanfare "Here's Covid"....
Not sure I wrote my comment correctly. Prior to them naming the "deadly virus" = SARS-CoV-2 and all the COVID stuff .... "Fauci and the globalist elite scum wanted a "new SHOCKING" strain of flu to be used as the weapon of fear"..... WEAPON OF FEAR !!!!; but people did not buy into it.
Now this is probably not the site to talk about this is detail, so I did not... BUT OF COURSE IT IS THE JABS and not just the killing of the immune system. People are dropping like flies and the numbers are growing weekly - look up the excess deaths states... fertility of the young is down, sterilisation of the young is up.
You and your readers might appreciate that I'm trying to warn the younger generation about propaganda in my newly released book called The Rebel's Hike. The kids find out that their evil counterpart is called their Expert, and the group of Experts is called The Propaganda. Like cow to herd, so they can understand.
Thank you very much. If you want to follow the progress, the substack for that is The Rebel's Hike Continues. You can listen to audio chapter by short chapter as they drop. Again, thank you for the encouragement!
I will NEVER get over how anyone fell for this obvious hoax. Peeps who did really need to reflect on their gullibility. You know, it shows that stupidity has consequences. Now they're stuck with poisoned blood.
Yes, the information was all there, and the index of suspicion should have been sky-high for everyone due to how rapaciously these shots were being pushed by the Establishment. I think that the problems leading to such wholesale mass uptake were multi-factorial:
1. People have been conditioned to get shots from a very, very young age. Most people aren't medical professionals and had no idea that the mRNA modality was any different than a normal vaccine.
2. Most people implicitly trust the establishment, on a very deep level, even if they superficially claim not to, and simply could not -- and, in a majority of cases, I think, STILL cannot -- fathom that the Powers That Be could have such nefarious intentions.
3. The establishment worked very hard to punish those who refused the shots, meaning that even if someone had a reasonable index of suspicion that something was amiss, that person may have been willing to overlook his or her suspicions due to perverse incentives.
The practical upshot of all this is nothing less than the largest human rights violation in known history. We are still witnessing the aftermath, and boy it ain't over yet.
I want to believe that there will be trials. There NEED to be, but ... Will there be? I'm afraid we might get a fake alien invasion followed by martial law before that happens.
No, what I meant by saying that it ain't over yet is that the morbidity and mortality caused by these death jabs is only just getting started. Who knows how horribly sick the world population will be in another 5-10 years ...
The most important issue in the whole world is to get the attention of the people who mandated the death jabs and convince them not to commit mass murder for profit again.
Publicly calling for their trials and hangings seems like the best way to get their attention. Let me know if you can think of a better way.
Alas, I am not sanguine on the prospect that the monsters will ever allow themselves to be held accountable. Perhaps, in a world that is far more just than the one I see around me, but even with the sea change of a Trump administration, I just do not envision it happening.
To my mind, it is far more important — and within reach — to awaken as much of the populace as possible so that when the Next Big Thing rolls around, a larger percentage of them are galvanized against the government and thus, “Don’t get fooled again.”
Yes, the question is exactly this: do we have government by the people, or despotic rule by the DoD, Pfizer, and Blackrock?
I agree that waking people up is key, because the power of DoD, Pfizer, and Blackrock is in their ability to manipulate the sleeping or willfully blind public. They would have no power over a public which sees the truth and chooses to disobey them.
Thank You for 'pulling back the curtain' a bit on this sad, 'open secret about the COVID -19 'jabs.' I use the term 'jabs' because, by definition, a vaccine must demonstrate two characteristics: 1) It must protect from infection and, 2) It must prevent the transmission of infection. We now know that the COVID-19 'jabs' did neither.
The reason I am so confident in sharing this sort of information is because I served as an Active-Duty medical officer for nearly 15 years, and I was in a leadership position during COVID-19. I have experience in Preventive Medicine in many parts of the world. During COVID-19, I was the lone medical leader who declined to take the jab on my installation, and I paid a significant professional price for my decision.
Looking back, what bothered me far more than the ineffectiveness of the jabs was this: All 10 of the principles that provide the framework for 'The Nuremberg Code' were violated in their development. For those who are not familiar with it, the Nuremberg Code is a 10-point medical statement developed in the immediate aftermath of World War II medical atrocities (think 'Josef Mengele,' and you are on the right track). The code set parameters for the development and administration of medical experiments that are still in effect today (see https://www.britannica.com/topic/Nuremberg-Code for more information).
And, make no mistake, the jabs were absolutely a medical experiment. Why? Because vaccines take years to develop, not months.
For their part, the Nazis of WWII knew no bounds in the medical experiments they performed on human beings. What they did was, simply put, evil personified. In the end, the Allies meted out justice on the medical personnel who performed these evils, regardless of the justifications and excuses they offered during their trials.
Now, regarding our behavior during COVID-19, what was (and still is) astonishing to me is that American senior military and medical leaders effectively acted no differently than the Nazis as it pertains to the jabs. And remember, ALL 10 of the Nuremberg principles were broken in their development!
In hindsight, I suppose the only thing more astonishing to me than their behavior was this: so many of we Americans neither knew this history, nor were curious enough to question what turned out to be the largest human drug experiment in world history.
May God have mercy on those who suffered and died as a result of these things, and may those who caused them be held to account ... in this life or the next.
I got exactly ONE US flu shot, 10 years ago or more. I never had one before or since. My then-girlfriend had been getting them and encouraged me. After that one, I've rejected them, preferring to maintain my bodily immunity by taking my chances against the flu.
I absolutely rejected the covid jab for the logic expressed by Fauci in the first pic of this post - I told people I didn't want to wait 5 years and find a vestigial foot growing out of my forehead, which seems like an ever-less-remote possibility now, considering the DNA-altering effects we're reading about.
My girlfriend (now my Wife) adopted my attitudes with regard to jabs of all kinds - she had been taking allergy shots for years, but gave them up during the pandemic, and is relatively allergy-free now, with only slight sensitivity (manageable) during the Spring.
But we still talk about so called viruses and their effects are real; THEY ARE NOT.
Show us all PROOF that1 virus has been isolated, causes harm and is transmittable.... and I will sell you a bridge and prove the tooth fairy is real - using the same arguments.
I like the punchy delivery of this piece. Good work.
Thanks buddy. Until I get my laptop working, it’s recycle city Out Here, on this Perimeter. Working from a cell phone is as hard as it may seem.
Apologies to the readers. Stick around, much more to come.
Do we have the isolation and purification of this new bird flu?
Avian flu virus H5N1: No proof for existence, pathogenicity, or pandemic potential; non-“H5N1” causation omitted
More fakery from the wizards
Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel Says They ‘Copied & Pasted’ the Spike Sequence From the Chinese Government
Do we have the isolation and purification documents of Covid 19 it appears it never existed?
FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (225 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever
They knew contagion didn't exist after the 1923 Lancaster Study, but they continued to push the fear narrative to keep a control on humanity.
2 Stories:
1. My husband has a retired co-worker with a wife. He was out to dinner with them during a business trip, and mentioned that our nephew (38) died five days after the Pfizer vaxx, and the nephew's Dad was diagnosed as vaxx injured with shingles. He then got cancer and died. The co-worker proclaimed that was NOT possible that the vaxx was involved and the wife added they have been vaxxed 7x each.
2. I know someone who works for Pfi$er who managed some of the vaxx clinical trials. We can't talk about that, but at one point, she basically said adverse effects did not matter, because C0VID is fatal.
These are the mindsets you're dealing with.
Now that I know what I know about the Covid jab and how many it killed, I wonder about the flu shot. I’d always heard that at least 100,000 die a year from flu in the US but was it the flu or did the flu shot have anything to do with it?
susan, this video needs your eyes ASAP:
The flu shot is a staging/testing ground for many of their other injection protocols. It’s why they sometimes even offer grocery shoppers %15 percent off their bill if you get one while shopping: if it’s free or incentivized, you’re a lab-rat for their in production real world experiment, and it’s never a benevolent exercise.
I worked in a small 30 bed retirement home pre-covid.
I watched three or four drop every year, at the end of the fall season. Right after the flu shots. So sad. I had to fire myself from that place.
Haven't you noticed that seasonal flu shots disappeared? Now CVS+MSM+ rem[nds the populous to take COVID shots? they are tasty spike treats. reassembling forever, thus your body cells will never be hungry again!
Not in Canada! You walk into any grocery store (with a drugstore section) and any drug store and an invitation to get the flu shot is played overhead with Christmas music in the background. A sign is on the door, that reads "get your flu shot. Its free!" Most people I ask who get this shot, don't know it contains m/RNA or even what that is! We are in a black hole here. Ignorance is bliss, they say?
What is flu ?; yes seriously and when do we most commonly get it ?
Isn't it interesting how influenza magically fell off the charts when "covid-19" came along?
Fauci and the globalist elite scum wanted a "new SHOCKING" strain of flu to be used as the weapon of fear; but the behavioural science teams stated that people would generally ignore it (less jabs) ...so they brought in with a fanfare "Here's Covid"....
But wait, what about NOW .... OH !? = https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-14189699/flu-explosion-rising-cases-one-four-surging-quaddemic.html
Couldn't be from all the jabbers killing their immune systems, or anything like that, eh?
Not sure I wrote my comment correctly. Prior to them naming the "deadly virus" = SARS-CoV-2 and all the COVID stuff .... "Fauci and the globalist elite scum wanted a "new SHOCKING" strain of flu to be used as the weapon of fear"..... WEAPON OF FEAR !!!!; but people did not buy into it.
Now this is probably not the site to talk about this is detail, so I did not... BUT OF COURSE IT IS THE JABS and not just the killing of the immune system. People are dropping like flies and the numbers are growing weekly - look up the excess deaths states... fertility of the young is down, sterilisation of the young is up.
I'm well aware. This has been one of my main topics of personal research for over 4 years now. You're right on the money, Bob. 😏
You and your readers might appreciate that I'm trying to warn the younger generation about propaganda in my newly released book called The Rebel's Hike. The kids find out that their evil counterpart is called their Expert, and the group of Experts is called The Propaganda. Like cow to herd, so they can understand.
I like the idea of a book written for the younger reader! I wish you Godspeed in your work with the generation(s) coming behind us!
Thank you very much. If you want to follow the progress, the substack for that is The Rebel's Hike Continues. You can listen to audio chapter by short chapter as they drop. Again, thank you for the encouragement!
I will NEVER get over how anyone fell for this obvious hoax. Peeps who did really need to reflect on their gullibility. You know, it shows that stupidity has consequences. Now they're stuck with poisoned blood.
Yes, the information was all there, and the index of suspicion should have been sky-high for everyone due to how rapaciously these shots were being pushed by the Establishment. I think that the problems leading to such wholesale mass uptake were multi-factorial:
1. People have been conditioned to get shots from a very, very young age. Most people aren't medical professionals and had no idea that the mRNA modality was any different than a normal vaccine.
2. Most people implicitly trust the establishment, on a very deep level, even if they superficially claim not to, and simply could not -- and, in a majority of cases, I think, STILL cannot -- fathom that the Powers That Be could have such nefarious intentions.
3. The establishment worked very hard to punish those who refused the shots, meaning that even if someone had a reasonable index of suspicion that something was amiss, that person may have been willing to overlook his or her suspicions due to perverse incentives.
The practical upshot of all this is nothing less than the largest human rights violation in known history. We are still witnessing the aftermath, and boy it ain't over yet.
Definitely NOT over. It will not be over until the trials:
You hold nothing back in that post, patrick
I want to believe that there will be trials. There NEED to be, but ... Will there be? I'm afraid we might get a fake alien invasion followed by martial law before that happens.
No, what I meant by saying that it ain't over yet is that the morbidity and mortality caused by these death jabs is only just getting started. Who knows how horribly sick the world population will be in another 5-10 years ...
The most important issue in the whole world is to get the attention of the people who mandated the death jabs and convince them not to commit mass murder for profit again.
Publicly calling for their trials and hangings seems like the best way to get their attention. Let me know if you can think of a better way.
Alas, I am not sanguine on the prospect that the monsters will ever allow themselves to be held accountable. Perhaps, in a world that is far more just than the one I see around me, but even with the sea change of a Trump administration, I just do not envision it happening.
To my mind, it is far more important — and within reach — to awaken as much of the populace as possible so that when the Next Big Thing rolls around, a larger percentage of them are galvanized against the government and thus, “Don’t get fooled again.”
Yes, the question is exactly this: do we have government by the people, or despotic rule by the DoD, Pfizer, and Blackrock?
I agree that waking people up is key, because the power of DoD, Pfizer, and Blackrock is in their ability to manipulate the sleeping or willfully blind public. They would have no power over a public which sees the truth and chooses to disobey them.
No lies detected, Doc. Not a single untruth. Well written.
Thank you :)
Thank You for 'pulling back the curtain' a bit on this sad, 'open secret about the COVID -19 'jabs.' I use the term 'jabs' because, by definition, a vaccine must demonstrate two characteristics: 1) It must protect from infection and, 2) It must prevent the transmission of infection. We now know that the COVID-19 'jabs' did neither.
The reason I am so confident in sharing this sort of information is because I served as an Active-Duty medical officer for nearly 15 years, and I was in a leadership position during COVID-19. I have experience in Preventive Medicine in many parts of the world. During COVID-19, I was the lone medical leader who declined to take the jab on my installation, and I paid a significant professional price for my decision.
Looking back, what bothered me far more than the ineffectiveness of the jabs was this: All 10 of the principles that provide the framework for 'The Nuremberg Code' were violated in their development. For those who are not familiar with it, the Nuremberg Code is a 10-point medical statement developed in the immediate aftermath of World War II medical atrocities (think 'Josef Mengele,' and you are on the right track). The code set parameters for the development and administration of medical experiments that are still in effect today (see https://www.britannica.com/topic/Nuremberg-Code for more information).
And, make no mistake, the jabs were absolutely a medical experiment. Why? Because vaccines take years to develop, not months.
For their part, the Nazis of WWII knew no bounds in the medical experiments they performed on human beings. What they did was, simply put, evil personified. In the end, the Allies meted out justice on the medical personnel who performed these evils, regardless of the justifications and excuses they offered during their trials.
Now, regarding our behavior during COVID-19, what was (and still is) astonishing to me is that American senior military and medical leaders effectively acted no differently than the Nazis as it pertains to the jabs. And remember, ALL 10 of the Nuremberg principles were broken in their development!
In hindsight, I suppose the only thing more astonishing to me than their behavior was this: so many of we Americans neither knew this history, nor were curious enough to question what turned out to be the largest human drug experiment in world history.
May God have mercy on those who suffered and died as a result of these things, and may those who caused them be held to account ... in this life or the next.
God bless you brother, I still pray for you every day without fail.
Thank you sir, I appreciate that very much. You’re in my prayers as well.
This is excellent, TT !
Welcome back!
Good one. Thanks.
I got exactly ONE US flu shot, 10 years ago or more. I never had one before or since. My then-girlfriend had been getting them and encouraged me. After that one, I've rejected them, preferring to maintain my bodily immunity by taking my chances against the flu.
I absolutely rejected the covid jab for the logic expressed by Fauci in the first pic of this post - I told people I didn't want to wait 5 years and find a vestigial foot growing out of my forehead, which seems like an ever-less-remote possibility now, considering the DNA-altering effects we're reading about.
My girlfriend (now my Wife) adopted my attitudes with regard to jabs of all kinds - she had been taking allergy shots for years, but gave them up during the pandemic, and is relatively allergy-free now, with only slight sensitivity (manageable) during the Spring.
This is good. Thank you. Shared.
Thank you for documenting all this!
What happens when evil runs the show! 😡
But we still talk about so called viruses and their effects are real; THEY ARE NOT.
Show us all PROOF that1 virus has been isolated, causes harm and is transmittable.... and I will sell you a bridge and prove the tooth fairy is real - using the same arguments.