No vote will be turned into a Harris vote via Dominion. Writing in Bugs at least doesn’t allow them to steal your unused vote. Vote. And if you want a chance to get out of this mess, vote Trump.

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Sep 10Liked by Eric, TriTorch

I always enjoy your writings – thank you!

I’m a Brit – we have our own problems with non-inspirational but captured entities masquerading as leaders. I offer a different view – I’ve no idea how valid it is but at least it’s optimistic.

“How Operation Warp Speed Saved America From The FEMA Death Camps,”


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Sep 10Liked by TriTorch

NU gov Hochel is trying to overturn the court decision to allow her to tap anyone for “reeducation”camps without a test(pcr invalid) and keep one as long as she wants! Support attorney BobbieAnne Cox in her pro bono fight to keep my safe. I’m from PA. But as NY goes, so goes the nation!

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Thanks, Nancy. I'm sending my best wishes to Ms Cox and all of the righteous warriors. What on earth is wrong with Gov. Hochel? Silly woman. xxx


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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Liked by Eric

Really nicely composed.

The problem with American politics is always voting for the lesser of two evils (by design). That's your argument here, yet the Trump Kool-Aid fanatics, especially when defending his vaxx stance see a nearly flawless man. or one devoid of responsibility. He recently was bragging about how he got ventilators built so fast. He had ivanka/jared working on digital IDs and ivanka is named as a young leader by the WEF. He (apparently?) wants a digital border wall now instead of something real. There really is a uniparty and the president isn't king and is always limited by a corrupt congress. So all tolled, yeah the toilet may flush a little slower under trump, but it's foolishness to think he will stop the global cabal and that it won't eventually flush.

Change comes from local citizens standing up, not expecting some hero to to the hard work for you.

And this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEH9SLG4X9E

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Sep 10Liked by TriTorch

I think Kamal is a good-looking person. Why call her camel face? I know optics matter, but that is not a problem in this case.

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It's not a shot at her looks…just another take on her name.

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Sep 10Liked by Eric


Free speech and rights under attack

Look at England and Venezuela and Brazil

Trump far better option

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Trump did what he had to in an attempt to save the USA. He was given false advice from the “experts”. Without the lousy jabs, we eould have been in lockdown for much longer snd the economy would have been shot (much as it is now thanks to Magoo and Dimwit) One was free to research and learn about the poison jabs and not take them, as many have done, nor t take the rediculous pcr nonsense, which was never to be used for infections.

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I think you are right on the money. We really don't have a lot of good choices.

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Trump & Vance with RFK Jr, Tulsi, Musk , Dr Paul Alexander, Dan Bongino, Kash Patel, Dr Ben Carson etc & others as advisers

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Once again: any social analysis that begins by framing the Davos Genocide Agenda as a “mistake” or an unfortunate series of events pointing to incompetence or carelessness is WRONG.

Dead wrong.

So there’s no point in reading past the 1st paragraph here. Which I didn’t.

Yeah, it appears Trump got it wrong, but that doesn’t make him culpable, or disqualify him from another shot at it (pun intended) because there is more than one issue involved, and his scorecard looks GREAT compared to the alternative.

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let's cut to the chase. we all know that trump will win the popular vote in a landslide just like he did in 2016 and 2020.

we also know that cackles & the coach (h/t jeff childers) will be given dominion over the election. one of the keys is not to let them incite us to anything other than calm resistance and refusal to fund them (tax revolts always work - that's what ended margaret thatcher's rule in the uk).

if i'm wrong and trump actually gets credit for winning the election, the cabal will pull out all the stops to blame him for their past crimes. even in a best case scenario, a trump victory is kicking the can down the road until we all step up and fix it. at best, trump promises what he'll never be allowed to deliver. at worst, let's not forget that this is a time of phony messiahs and false prophets. this one's on us.

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Out here on the Perimeter, you need to read the Sep 9, post of Quoth the Raven Substack post on why you should vote for Trump. Hopefully that opens your eyes.

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RemovedSep 10
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RemovedSep 10·edited Sep 10
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I would say the same thing about you, but you too longer to say it.

Trump didn’t start warp speed, it was a years to decades long deep state DOD project. Read Paul Alexander’s post today: it was Biden that mandated it & Harris is just a younger transgender transracial Biden who as you pointed out will be just as authoritarian a puppet as FJB. Biden reversed Trump’s wall, he could have reversed OWS as well,except he was bought and paid for and only chose his ice cream flavor.

Trump’s preferred approach was repurposed drugs which were and are effective but he got ridiculed publicly on stage for that by that lying mother fucker Fauci whose name was on a paper from years before demonstrating HCQ effectiveness on COVID viruses, but to tell the truth & support Trump would undercut 1) the purpose of the Plandemic at that time to ruin DJT’s re-election prospects (lockdowns & their economic & societal effects were either a bonus or or part of the plan 2) stop all the EUA money laundering/making profits/projects— both vaccines and novel-&toxic drugs 3) cull the elderly 4) trial run for turning the West into modern day serfdoms.

This was all playing out while he was being impeached & the one medical expert who was not a corrupt treasonous government employee, Dr. Scott Atlas was maneuvered out of the COVID task force.

He was maneuvered into going along with OWS, nevertheless, FDA intentionally delayed their approva until Biden was in office (again see Dr. Alexander's post today, which just reiterates what he had posted in the past.

Trump likely until Bobby came on board was not aware of all the problems with the jabs, my wife & neighbors aren't ,as they won't listen, & marriage : harmony>being right, too late smart.

I trust w/ Bobby & others on board, jab policy will be changed.

Now how come you beat up on Trump when the mandates were a Biden project?

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Bingo. You saved me the post.

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Ditto Thank you for this reply to Eric.

When I see individuals complaining about President Trump I am always curious about who they do want or what they want. Are they Libertarians, are they anarchists? What is their goal?

We have allowed the globalist to get entrenched in our government. It is going to take time to remove them, but I do believe President Trump is the individual to begin that process.

We were all fooled by our previous leadership. Thankfully the internet, and now Substack, we have the ability to read individuals who are opening our eyes to what has been going on. Things will change, but like all change, it will be difficult.

Not voting or voting for the current administration is not change.

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