TRITORCH! Welcome back!

How old themes bob and weave, sleep, awake, resurface. If they are part of our β€˜core belief’ they sometimes slip beneath the surface, but never completely leave us - - . When I got to the ramblings of Yuval Noah Harari, it sent me scrambling back to an exchange of ideas we had in September, 2023 - - One of which - -

" Man's greatest philosophical divide is whether or not he is the ultimate moral authority"

And here we are again! - - Yet another egg-head who has convinced himself man is far more capable of designing man (and all things human) than the original designer. The last self-declared genius who set-out to prove THAT was a megalo-maniac named Fauci, and it sure appears his efforts to re-engineer our immune system have hit a few β€˜snags’

Rock on, TT!

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Well said. The enormity of man’s folly is superseded only by his pride/ego.

Wish I could be a fly on the wall during ole Harari’s judgement. There is little doubt God wants a word with him.

β€œTwo things are infinite: The universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.” β€”Einstein

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Merry Christmas, T.T. - I just PayPal'ed you an "early Christmas present" - SO GLAD you posting once more. Praying for your challenges right now that our Jehovah Jireh will present you with some new, wonderful opportunities.

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Merry Christmas to you Sharon, and thank you so much for your early present! =) but please no more. You’ve helped more than your share.

It’s good to be back and thanks for your prayers. You are in mine as well. I so wish you and all of your friends and family all the best. Thanks again and again =)

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Be sure to let me know when that 'new opportunity' presents itself in your life, T.T.--OK?

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You got it!

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Working together can be done on a casual basis or via an organization. Here are 3 organizations:

CSPOA Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association



In addition to those, MeWe, X, Gab, Truth Social and others have free speech replacements for fakebook; Odysee, Brighteon and Rumble replace THEMtube, and Gab and others are working on Patriot marketplaces.

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Thank you Esther!

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Orwell is fb, Huxley is Twitter

What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumplepuppy. As Huxley remarked in Brave New World Revisited, the civil libertarians and rationalists who are ever on the alert to oppose tyranny β€˜failed to take into account man’s almost infinite appetite for distractions.’ In 1984, Huxley added, people are controlled by inflicting pleasure. In short, Orwell feared that what we hate will ruin us. Huxley feared that what we love will ruin us.”

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Get involved! Grass roots movements. Start in your local community, work up to the city level. And keep going Remove the tyrants. Work together. Find a commonality

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You haven't mentioned mban or using human electromagnetic field power grids. Crazy shit but well worth investigation.


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Wow, can I get a copy of "This soft spoken bloke" to repost elsewhere?

Substack won't let me right-click or otherwise download it. Anyone know how to get it from this site or elsewhere?

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You got it:


Patrick may I ask what browser do you use, whether you are on a PC or a mobile phone? I ask because if it is the former I can probably show you an extension you can use to download videos from substack

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Nice, thanks buddy!

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Thanks TriTorch!

I usually use Brave Browser on a laptop. Please do tell me about that extension. You can email p@patrick.net

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Email sent

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Me too please! Cablesings@gmail.com

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excellent commentary

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Sadly, the divisions between Americans has only gotten worse since the extreme radicals have demanded we change the English language and to support and promote perversion. Of course, there are other things that define us individually concerning our beliefs about COVID, January 6, 2021, and the COVID vaccines that have been reported to create previously unknown blood clots. Not to be ignored, there is also a sizeable number of people that have been agitated by the 3rd Obama administration to hate people with different colors. And today, of course, we have the controversy about the 10-year period of criminal activity by Hunter and Joe Biden that has now been erased because the Big Guy gave his son a pass on all his crimes (which, along with his father, include treason). Most people's attitudes and beliefs are set in stone and there can be no reconciliation between those who believe Trump is Hitler and those who would like Michael Byrd tried for murder.

We stand divided and we will fall divided.

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[OK to delete after reading]

It's my feeling about all forms of writing--fiction and otherwise--that nothing is more important than a distinctive voice. Everything flows from that.

When your cross-posted-by-Screaming into the Void hit my inbox a couple of weeks ago, I was really startled because the voice didn't sound like his. Then I looked closer and realized why.

There's no shortage of Substackers pulling together quotes and memes, and warning us against the Acronym Horde and suffering from recurring bouts of jargon. If you got more, bring it.

I might be holding a minority viewpoint though. Some of the most relentless jargonauts and memers are doing just fine, and growing.

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Thank you for your comment and insight, SCA.

To be fair the original version of this had only one quote and zero memes because I consider it my most important work and as such it was always meant to stand on its own. I added them here to try and make the message more effective because quite often a picture paints a thousand words and we’ve got to get out of left/right paradigm thinking (you may disagree).

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In my view we're living in the era of 12-year-old extremely bright autistic boys who managed to winkle their way into avenues of power.

The remedy is ridicule rather than fear and outrage. And, of course, the reclaiming of the public square by people of true independence, and a lot less of the threatening of God's vengeance by, you know, human beings.

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Those who hoped for Democracy in Tiananmen Square many years ago believed their protest would stop the tanks from running over them. As America has quickly become Amerika under the third Obama administration, it is easy to imagine a crowd of protestors being mowed down in front of the White House.

Satire did not end the Vietnam War and the mean-spirited late night television hosts attempts at political humor have only strengthened the resolve of us MAGA's.

Our society is crumbling faster than our highways. People in North Carolina are still living in tents following the hurricane and the temperatures have dipped into the 20's.

If it is not the Administration's plan to freeze Trump supporters to death, it is impossible to comprehend why FEMA chose to ignore survivors who had the gall to put Trump signs in their yards.

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We're currently in the fifth George W. Bush Administration.

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My mistake. Thank you for the correction.

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They all look alike, don't they?

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I like SOME of what you're saying here...

I'm going to say something that is surely going to be arguable, and that's fine... I think it's a bad idea to make statements about how the future is going to be AS IF there is no alternative possibilities. Why? Because I think it's quite likely that WE create the future by making tacit agreements, at least some of the time, about what it's going to be! If we are creators of the future, and I don't KNOW if we are or not, then that is a not-so-great thing to do! So my suggestion is that we simply say something akin to, for example: "It's possible that we will have severe food shortages and there will be unrest and hardship," which is a very common idea floating around with those of us who are hip to the Nasties' plan, and then add something like, "MAYBE we can find a way to mitigate that ahead of time..." and "MAYBE it won't be as terrible as we think," just to have some waffle in it. I mean, why DECIDE that there is ONLY ONE POSSIBLE OUTCOME to anything, really?

Okay, that's my very short version of that idea. ALSO, I think it would be very nice, while we rightly disdain all the silliness (read: bizarre ideation) about GENDER and all the rest of the Chaos Thinking that's being shoved at our youth, it WOULD be nice to stop calling Humanity simply "Men." That's pretty divisive after all the work women have done, and much of that unacknowledged. Okay? Thanks very much, and ... woof.

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Indeed, I had it long ago worked that the moneyed psychopaths in control groom Us to create divides that We remain conquered. And thus I work to solve for that social entropy They create.

The End of (Social) Entropy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-end-of-entropy

We Had Better Solve for the Psychopaths in Control NOW! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/we-had-better-solve-for-the-psychopaths

Escape the Cave! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/escape-the-cave

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